February 26, 2010


Haha, i got told about this site called "My life is Twilight" or "MLIT" today so I checked it out. It consists of random people describing how their whole lives revolve around twilight. Here are some of my faves:

The other day my youth group and I were asking each other funny questions about God. One of my guy friends asked "What kind of car does God drive?" I immediately yelled "A silver, Volvo." Oh yes... MLIT

Today in gym class we were playing sports trivia. My teacher asked me what major event happened in 1918, of course I replied "ummmm... Edward became a vampire!" Apparently that wasn't the right answer. 15 dirty looks later, it was still worth it! MLIT

Today, I realize the only reason I am dating my bf is because he looks and sounds like Jacob Black, but his name is Edward. MLITotallyT

Today, I realized that whenever I eat food, I feel guilty and regret it because I think it might make me seem unattractive to a vampire. MLIT

Today i was coughing like crazy and my brother comes running and yells in a joking way "Do we need to get you to a doctor?!" and all i can say between coughs is "CALL CARLISLE!!!" Its funny how the first thing that comes to my mind is twilight and not OMG im choking. MLI(always)T.

A month ago, my sister started dating someone who looks a lot like Edward Cullen. For the past month, I've been subtly flirting and "accidentally" pouring sparkles on him. Today, my sister found out, and she told me to stay away from her boyfriend. Nothing can stop the path of true love. MLIT

Makes me laugh. Makes me want to read more. Oh god, what has become of me?? ^_^


  1. The other day my friend told me how much she fell in love with Twilight. And I thought, with Jade, I never thought I'd see the day. Today, I smile at Jade's love but still I know MLI(sn't)T.

    Ily pal :)

  2. P.S. I laughed at those comments from that website!
