July 7, 2009


i'm currently at a loss of things of importance to say, so commencing ramble:

my brain feels numb at the moment, not sure why. maybe it's because i ate meat for lunch and its the first time in a few days. Josh wants to be vegan for health reasons so at the moment we are practicing lots of vegan dishes until we get a whole heap under our belts, then we can get home and go 'hmm im so tired but boy am i hungry... i know i'll just whip up a genius tempeh stirfry" BAM! which, incidentally is what i made on sunday night for dinner. rice noodles, asian greens and tempeh. it was boss! so yeah i have a stockpile of interesting ingredients, and a few great cookbooks so nothing can stop me, NOTHING! Last night i was at that level of hungry where you just want everything, and can't decide upon one thing. it was so stupid, i was buzzing around the kitchen from fridge to freezer to pantry, then back to the couch, then looked in a recipe book, then back to the pantry, then i lay on the kitchen floor for a while while Chester rubbed his face on my feet, which is OK cos Chester is a cat - otherwise it would be totally creepy, some guy named chester breaking into my house and rubbing his face on me. he must have injected me with a paralysing drug like on Nip/Tuck with the Carver ---- YEEEAAARRRGHHH! anyway, i had like 14 dishes i wanted to cook but ended up just making big vegan vegie rolls, remeniscent of the ones Hayden made us. Although I was watching Drop Dead Fred last night while cooking (hoorah for open plan houses) for Old times sake and i think it affected the recipe. There was a lot of snot and mud in the mix. no not really.

Anyway, josh and i were both really hypo last night and he decided he wanted to hang up these framed pictures he found on my birthday op shopping expedition. I consider myself quite the handyman (AH MY EYE IS TWITCHING!!!!!!!!!) around the house so i fetched the picture hooks and hammer, as well as a tape measure and pencil and rubber (funniest primary school joke "do you have a pencil or a sharpener...? *giggle*) for marking the wall. Josh wanted to use pen. Lucky i was there, thats all i can say. He had a set of 3 and wanted them evenly spaced on the wall. So, as he is studying to become a primary teacher and is a maths kid at heart, he said to leave the measurements up to him. we spent about half an hour trying to get it right!! I dont know what was going on, he normally freaks me out with his long calculations that i can't follow along with, but he was off it. He insisted he could to it in his head, and after a while i got pen and paper and sped up the process. I think we were way too tired to muck around. He marked the points where he wanted the picture hook by drawing an ostrich on one, and a devil on the other. that josh! then i had a depressing thought! what happens when we move out to a proper rental house - one where my mum isnt the landlord - and they wont let us paint or hang any decorations! I shall vow to help all renters make their shitty rooms look awesome, thats what!

what else... oh yes i am in love with this website: http://www.smittenkitchen.com/ - it is pretty speshhhh. there is a potato salad on there which i have to try because i have a feeling it will become a new signature dish of mine. My current potato salad is pretty good and there are a few family members who cream themselves when i say i am bringing some to a function. I just feel like i can do better than it. Jesus, i can't imagine what will happen to those certain family members if this one is even better! They will shake with mounting joy, and eventually when it gets too much they will explode and deck the halls with blood and guts. just like the Pop Biscuits from the Magic Faraway Tree!! I wonder how you make them...? Flour, milk, butter, sugar, gunpowder... all the essentials. Anyway i haven't even tried this salad, so i had better do it first before i give it to people who can potentially explode.

i find that smells are like time machines. If i smell something i am instantly taken back to a memory or a feeling. When kids come to my work after the floor has been cleaned with chemicals and bleach - they go "OMG do you have a POOL here?!" and i go "uh, noooo....?" but then i realise kids scarily associate chemicals with fun summer days. I associate the smell of bleach with semen. there i said it. and i know it's not just me that makes the connection so whateveeerrrrrr.

anyway i want to go to Borders now. BYE

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