July 29, 2009

Korean BBQ (take 3)...gotta be more inventive with my titles

You might remember the first time i went to a Korean BBQ restaurant, though I couldn't remember the name of it. Well i found out the name and went back with Josh and 2 other friends. It is called Woo Ga and is on Victoria Street, North Melbourne.

Actually i have to say I was surprised that Josh wanted to come, as it is not vegan... nor vegetarian. I told him this but he said it was cool, and not to worry my pretty head.. or at least thats what it sounded like in my coconut. I think he just wanted some meat :P

We ordered some beers to start off with. It was kinda funny, we ordered Korean beers but everyone else in the restaurant (who were Korean) ordered VB. hahaha. the veebs. anyway, these beers were alright, the one on the left is called HITE, the other is CASS - the sound of vitality according to the label.

I didn't bother taking pics as we ordered exactly the same as last time - Combo B and a seafood pancake... Here is our table at the end. It may look full, but it was doubly full earlier. There are so many condiments and trays PLUS the grill and the hotpot. yiiikes. omg i want to go back :)

We sat for a while to let the food make it down to our stomachs, as i know i was dangerously close to vomming from over-eating. I was once again in food-coma territory folks. It wasn't fun. Once we were all good again, we went to Nash's house and watched one of the million movies on his Xbox/projector set-up. We settled on an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" (hilarious), followed by an episode of a British show about heroes, then watched "I love you, man!" which was fucking hilarious.

Slappin de bass! Slappin da bass, mon! ok thats enough of that.

1 comment:

  1. that's the third time you've made that slappin da bass reference lately jade. i think you have a problem.
