September 16, 2009

wednesday thoughts

i'm eating some left over vego bolegnaise today, although it tastes like salt and vinegar chips. this is because i got the bowl out of the fridge after josh had his way with it, and transfered it to a container. What i failed to remember was that josh crushes potato chips into his bolegnaise as garnish... rendering the whole dish flavoured like a crinkle cut chip. i shit you not. it tastes okay but i don't really get it, this is like when people put icing sugar on popcorn. CORN IS SAVOURY, LEAVE IT SAVOURY!!!! phew..

this somehow gets me thinking about garfield. as a kid i had this garfield book where he fell asleep and "woke up in the future" and the only form of food is in pill form. So he eats one "lasagna pill" and he is full. Anyway he doesnt like this because he enjoys eating too much. I feel the same way. i like eating and tasting and savouring a dish not just swallowing it whole and getting on with my day. no thanks. whats funny is that i thought this was an accurate representation of the future. I was actually worried about these food pills. what if i didn't like the flavour? I would already have eaten it and be full but i may have hated the dish. And what if i vomitted? would a tiny pill shell come back up, or a whole meal? how can a tiny pill make you full? hunger supressants? omg celebrity slim is going to take over the world. be on your guard everyone. anyway i don't know what the point of this is. there isn't one really, i just feel like writing.

anyway i still love my red hair. It is amazing how many strangers have broken through the barriers of social awkwardness to compliment me - a mere stranger with great hair. The most awkward one was this volunteer for the Australian Red Cross, he was standing on a street corner and as i approached he spotted me. i was trapped, i couldn't go anywhere so i kept walking toward him. he was shouting out "Oh my god, you're a goddess! look at you with your gorgeous hair, and a tiara and underpants on the outside!!" (yeah i dont know wtf he was talking about) anyway he went OFF and kept calling me a humanitarian goddess. it was weird!

This was a waste of your time, i apologise.


  1. Roy and HG
    humanitarian goddess
    Roy was the volunteer
    Makes sense to me

