September 17, 2009

thursday thoughts

i was at the old fashioned lolly "shoppe" yesterday buying a dr. pepper for an afternoon treat, when i spotted the PEZ display. I got really excited, especially as there were some Star Wars PEZ dispensers. I bought a Darth Vader one for Josh as a little gift, and came back to work to show everyone how cute it was. One lady here is about 30 and she said "what is THAT!?" and i went "oh he's Darth Vader." and she went "a what..?". This is when i realised that there is actually someone on this planet (exculding the 3rd world of course) who doesn't know what PEZ is. Everyone was astounded because PEZ has been around since the dinosaurs. I found out that it is an Austrian product, first released in 1927 as peppermints for adults. In '55 they put heads on them and marketed them to kiddies, and they went globaaaaal. So, there is no real excuse for not knowing what PEZ is, unless she grew up in a cult in the bush...

my horror was intensified when this fijian man at work also said he didn't know what PEZ was. He said he grew up in fiji and they didn't have them, then when he came here he was too old for lollies. I suppose that's fair enough. this time....

The weather this morning was so bizarre. Well, living my whole life in Melbourne, you think i'd be prepared for some erratic weather patterns. But i am always shocked or suprised by the sudden changes. It was stormy, warm and muggy. It had this tropical feel to it, instantly making me feel as though i was on holidays or something. My whole disposition changed and i have been in a really good mood all day. After about an hour at work i said to the 3 other girls who sit near me "Do you guys feel any different today?". One girl agreed and the other 2 just looked confused and a little scared. I started to explain myself and they breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason they thought i had played a practical joke on them and was waiting for them to realise. Like i had adjusted their seats or poisoned their coffee or something. What the fuck... I'm not some kind of sadist. I just wanted to converse about the weather! jeez!

Also, I have noticed one drawback of having bright red hair. I am a magnet for street corner charity volunteers. I try so hard to avoid talking to these guys cos the only time i am walking in the city is when i am heading somewhere in a hurry and i cant stop and chat! I feel like a bitch going "no thank you...". The first time i rolled with it, signed up and was even a little flattered by the compliments... but last night this guy started waving as i approached, and i was trying to ignore him and hurry for the tram, but he sort of got in my face so i took my headphones off to explain that i already signed up to help the cause yesterday. He insisted on a High-5, and then started asking me heaps of questions about WHO i signed up with, which guy, what did he look like etc etc. Then he put his hand up for another high-5 before i left. and you can't refuse someone a high-5! Damn this hair making me more social and talking to strangers! maybe its a good thing... we'll see.

Ok, I am needing some air. Some sexy steamy muggy melbourne air. haha

1 comment:

  1. a) movie sounds awesome
    b) lololol
    c) i would have screamed "just leave me alone!" and run away - yes, left him hanging!
