September 28, 2009

2009 AFL Grand Final Partayyyy

There is one day in September that all Aussies gather together for booze, screaming, betting, bright colours, and men in little shorts writhing around in the mud. It may seem like some sort of sexy gay festival, but no - it's the AFL Grand Final! As i live in Victoria, 10 of the 16 teams are from our lovely state, so it is a big deal to us homies. While I myself am not so into footy these days, i still love to watch a close game and the atmosphere is uber contagious! Here are some pics of our Grand Final day celebrations.. i must say we are becoming more tame and respectable each year haha!

The two teams: St. Kilda SAINTS and Geelong CATS. Both from Melbourne :P

Our friend Jess opened her lovely home to us, and there was so much delicious food i nearly died!
These are some of the lads who couldn't drag their eyes off the screen... except evan but he loves the camera unconditionally more than anyone haha

Oh yeah WIZARDS was being played! In the below photo, Stevens was a level 8 Fire Wizard, and possibly just fell over the couch.

It was a close match but Geelong won, and poor Simo was really unimpressed. (Saints fan)

Rule #1 of Wizards... if someone attacks your wizard staff - all must be destroyed

enjoying the wizard staff fight...

this is me getting friendly with nature!

Jess's brother looks so much like mclovin from Superbad it aint even funny. YYYYAAAAAHH!!