September 3, 2009

dear anonymous

first and foremost, thank you. You have anonymously commented on my post, so now i think that i am famous. there are so many things i have to ask you... like "what should i make for dinner??", "why is the sky so dark right now??", "why am i so tired all of a sudden, perhaps a noxious gas has been released into my work's ventilation and I am slowly dying - do you think this could be true??" and other powerful stimulating questions. I suppose the real question in this sleuth's wet dream is "WhO aRe YoU?"

this phrase makes me think of both alice in wonderland and amelie, but that is immaterial to the case and i shant dwell upon it any more. Are you someone i know already? well.. i would totally assume YES... but it's more fun to pretend that you are a stranger.

I'm good at guessing things about people, so I guess that your name is Gary. You grew up in the suburbs, and had your first kiss with a girl named Rebecca at age 16. Your hair was pretty blonde as a kid, and then went a light brown as you got older. Now you dye is black sometimes when the whole "emo" thing is in fashion. You have sexual fantasies about high heel shoes and soft fruits, and you tell yourself that it could be worse. One of your eyes is slightly smaller than the other, although you never found out why and when people notice it, you get defensive and suggest that maybe their eye is slightly smaller than the other and they are seeing funny. You had dreams, dreams of making it all the way to the F..B...I.. ok, now i am turning into dr. lector.

Ok, enough guessing. I am left perplexed by your evocative words "good stuff". Yes, you are right.. my blog entry was good, i even spoke japanese in it. The short but sweet style of your writing suggests you are the strong silent type - perhaps a cowboy...? that would be cool, i don't have any REAL cowboy friends, just the ones i imagine.

So Gary, do I guess correctly?


  1. i wish i wasnt a follower now.. so that i might enjoy posting anonymous msg's :(

  2. wait... you can choooooose... hahahah :P

  3. i'm confused, i'm starting to think Gary doesn't exist. wouldn't be the first time i've made such a mistake...
