April 9, 2010

ode to follower #7: Sarah

Situated on the back of a yellow paper crane,
Sarah swooped down into my life again.
With the memory of a goldfish, I'm not proud to say
that I instantly forget people once we part ways.

She now follows my blog, which is simply a tool
for me not to forget stuff, for my brain is so cruel.
I forget whole conversations, sometimes whole years
but now that she follows, she has lessened my fears

I'll never forget her, each post is one seventh hers
The good ones, the bad ones, even the drunken slurs
Thank you dear Sarah, for liking my writing
Being notified of a new follower is so very exciting!

So now that I've touched one more person's brain,
massaged it sensuously, I continue my reign
as "best blogger ever"... that's self-appointed
kneel before me, the healer, and be bloggily anointed.

Now I'm inspired, to write and to jest,
and to truly make subarashiiblog best.
I have a slight headache and I can taste metal
But i'll continue to write for you Sarah, my petal...

if you weren't a married woman....

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