March 8, 2010

japan diary entry #1

I have been cleaning out stuff for the upcoming move and found my diary from when i went to Japan in November 2008. I only wrote in it a few times, but thought I'd document it here incase i lose the diary. shrug...

Wednesday 26th November 2008

It's Emergency Exit O'Clock on the plane. Not in a "ZOMG our lives are in danger, EVACUATE, EVACUATE" kind of way, more like we're sitting next to the Emergency Exit door. Blessings include ample leg space, a fold away tray and having "Alicia" sit facing me during take-off. Corey got to swap seats with the guy between us so he' next to me. Trav is kicking my seat from behind and Evan just fell asleep. I think they all didn't sleep last night so they are all wrecked! I just had a coffee to kickstart my heart but my eyes are so tired - like a little baby. Fuck I want a nap. So hungry too. Blah blah. I am surprised I didn't cry more when I said goodbye to Josh. I had tears in my eyes but didn't shed any. I have a feeling I'm going to feel pretty lonely. Maybe. We'll see. Ok, I want a nap now. Argh, Real Monsters!!

In the air again. On the way to Osaka. I think we've been flying for 1.5-2 hours. I got 30 mins sleep before, it was loooovely! There was no Maccas at the Gold Coast Airport - the guys were shattered. Should write like a sailor: crew are becoming mutinous due to the lack of hash browns, days carry on as though in slow motion, feeling malnourished from the crappy food. Anyway.

Well the guys already have one enemy - the lady at customs. She said that there would be more food options once we got near the boarding gate... but there was 1 overpriced food stall. I heard "I hate her" at least 5 times. Half-caste Japanese are cool. I only ever see them at the airport or on a plane. Well maybe i see them in Australia too but just don't realise the special blood that runs through their veins, until they're in a setting where I would expect Japanese people.

Evan spilled his Cous Cous all over the floor on the plane haha! it is the WORST thing he could have spilled. Imagine if it's in his shoes! Corey is beside me again, trav and evan are behind me and nash and stevens are across the other side of the cabin (?). I can still see them though! Nash just ordered a VB haha. OK, eyes tired again...

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