November 24, 2010


Why hello everyone!! I am very excited to show you these pictures of my new recipe off the list! Okonomiyaki is one of my favourite Japanese dishes EVAAAAAA! Okonomi means 'whatever you like' and yaki is 'grill or cook'. Shiho came over on Sunday to offer her Japanese cuisine expertise, and here is a picture-heavy post detailing almost every step of the way :P 

cabbage (i used wombok)

spring onion
Shiho mixing the batter. We made it with 1 cup flour, about 1 cup Dashi (or you could use water), and 1 egg. You can also buy a batter mix at an Asian Grocer but we couldn't find it *frown*
heating up the teppan. Josh bought me this - what a sick dude :D

Cooking the yakisoba noodles. We found a $2.16 packet of yakisoba complete with yakisoba sauce at Safeway - enough to make 2 hiroshimayaki! crafty consumers!

the batter was a little thick the first time - needed more dashi!!

amazing photos by Corey - you can see the steam!!

On goes the cabbage!

In Japan they have super super thinly sliced bacon and pork but we couldn't find any so we chopped up some normal bacon cuts :S I jokingly called this Australia-yaki because of how improv it is.

bacon goes on too! i was looking for kim chi but the asian grocer was SOLD OUT!!! wtf

crack the egg

scramble it

now comes the tricky part. Watch me fuck this up....

scooping the filling back in. God i hope no okonomiyaki chefs are seeing this... how embarrassing...

on goes the infamous brown sauce. Okonomi sauce

then the kewpie mayo

then the spring onions or "negi"

then the fishy flakes. I call them bonito flakes but Shiho calls them Katsuobushi. We are both right in a way because bonito is the name of the fish (Skipjack tuna) which is dried and smoked and then turned into flakes called katsuobushi :) 

oh... yes... then we taught shiho some swears. She spelt this out on the fridge - cho kawaii!! I then corrected her and she won't stop saying it.. haha! Also she found out a worse one.. starts with 'c'... oh dear!

With the left over batter we made an osaka style one because we had no more noodles. This only has cabbage and spring onions in it but you can put anything!

oh yeah, then we went on the roof!
What a fun day :) Next I want to make sukiyaki - another of my favourite Japanese dishes :D mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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