November 3, 2010

World Vegan Day 2010

Yo yo yo! I am totally getting behind in my posts! So much to say, so little time in which to say it... or somethin' like dat! So, anyway, on Sunday I went to World Vegan Day at the Abbotsford Convent - it was pretty cool. I found out from mum that my nana grew up there! Amazing. My ignorance is just amazing. Anyway, on World Vegan Day, you will see things like this:

Lots of proud people there, I must say! I really wish it wasn't raining so much, but it was a nice day despite that. There was music, talks, stalls and demonstrations but the main attaction for me was all the food!! There were lots of stalls selling hot aromatic vegan food!! The line for the pie place was epic, and snaked out into the rain so I had a squizz at all of the other places and ended up getting a vegie burger.. haha exotic...

But it had beetroot on it, and satay sauce.... hellooo!! yummy! Still no match for "Vego and Lovin it" in adelaide though! Also after lunch we ended up watching a demonstration on dehydrated 'cooking' and raw foods. Dr. John Green gave a demostration on how to make chocolate and a tomatoey/savoury slice. This was his dehydrated chocolate:

He basically ground up some cocoa beans and added nuts, banana, tahini, goji berries etc etc and then made a layer of it on a tray then put it in the dehydrator for a few days. it was really nice!! Now THAT is a lot of effort to go through for chocolate. Raw foodists are very thorough! Next I got a beautiful vegan smoothie and though i'd show you all how packed the food area was...

Dr. Green gave us some cocoa beans to eat, and i did not like them at all. So strong and bitter!! This is what it looks like on the inside:

Also, on the way back to the station I saw this funny graffiti. It was funny because the guy I was with is named Avery... and he was just SHOCKED and appauled haha

He and his bag of apples just marched on by in a huff! Not really, he doesn't often get into a huff, I made that bit up. I also took a video of how dirty train seats are, he was hitting one with this little steel instrument and clouds of dirt were coming out. feral. unfortunately i am having trouble uploading videos here for the time being so you can't see it, or the videos i took of missy and chester fighting! On an unrelated note, but sort of related, but not really... this morning as I was getting ready for work, Josh woke up and said "There is also fish oil in pencils..." and i asked if he was sleep talking and he said "No, it helps bind..." and then went back to sleep. what a crazy guy! ^_^

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