November 22, 2010

DIY Bungalow Makeover

Well you all know I love a good DIY makeover, and boy have I got a good one for you! My friend Bec recently moved house with her mum and luckily there was a Bungalow out the back for her to call home. The only problem was that it looked like this:

Le Bachelor. No problem! All they had to do was go to IKEA and add some nice finishing touches and VOILA:

Those white boxes are great storage solutions - i need to get me some! It's such a nice little zone, very relaxing and pretty! If there was a kitchen, I totally would have been convinced I was in an IKEA display!! Needless to say I'm quite jealous of her little space, I wish I had something like that when I lived at home!! My brothers and I would have fought each other to the death for it. But one day my house will look as chic as this :D all I need are polished boards instead of my terrible blue carpet!! eeeeeyuckk!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh that looks amazing!!! So jealous love! Smp

    Ps im on my phone so I can't sign in but you will know Smp from old time sake!
