November 8, 2010

dish 21) Dutch butter cake with apricot filling

Why hello there doods, I have made the most amazing acheivement! I have managed to get out of bed, and get to work. This may not sound like much, but Mondays are often hard work for me. I don't want the weekend to be over on Sunday so I stay up late and exhaust myself then I wake up with bloodshot eyes and an inability to communicate for at least 2-3 hours. Sucks. But I'm not the only one, I'm sure there are millions, nay billions, of grumpy monday people out there nodding enthusiastically at this post.
Anyway, what better way to improve my current situation than to reflect upon my lovely weekend in a series of blog posts? It will either kill me slowly, or inspire me to once again live in the moment and enjoy my toothache and the stupid songs playing on the radio.

OK, so the first thing I will post about is the new recipe I used! It is from the Dutch cookbook Jim let me borrow:

 It is a dutch butter cake with apricot filling, mm-mmm! It's one of those recipes that you just KNOW how amazing it will be from only glancing at the accompanying picture. Unfortunately my pictures don't do it the appropriate justice, but heed my words: this cake is delicious! I forgot to bring the book in order to post the recipe, but the ingredients are something like: a cement mixer full of butter, a semi-trailer full of caster sugar, a dump truck full of flour, some apricots, almonds and ginger syrup. It is sweet and rich and fatty BUT of course, that's what baking is all about isn't it??
Here are a few photos...

OMG yum! It is so rich, but you know what.. it has re-affirmed my love of apricots. I love apricots. Fresh, dried, in jam, in cakes, in yoghurt. They are cheap and delicious and I need more right now. Oh my golly golly gosh, I just remembered a staple dish my mum used to cook when we were kids: Apricot Chicken. Haha, I need to find a proper recipe for this if one exists. I don't think i have ever made it.. wowwww.


  1. omg! please post the recipe. i want to make this too. it looks delicious!
