November 1, 2010

October Poem + various things from my weekend

October is over and I was quite slack
All week I cooked nothing, I need my groove back.
This poem's a day late, I was too busy eating
and having strange dreams - my weekend was fleeting!
I dreamt of the death of Josh's friend Jim
He was at our house at the time, so we had to bury him.
We were crying our eyes out, and trying to find room
in my front yard for his eternal tomb.
There were too many graves, and because he was tall
We couldn't find space in the front yard at all.
When Josh told Jim last night on the phone
He said his mum does not condone
He's not allowed over to our place anymore
Looks like we no longer have a good rapport


I imagine that this strange dream was triggered by the fact that Jim let me borrow his Dutch cook book and I was reading it in bed. I spent Saturday morning painting my nails, drinking tea and reading this book:

 It has everything you want in a specific cuisine cookbook... recipes from OTHER cuisines:

Pictures of people in the midst of PDA's...

 and some cool notes and flags for the best recipes!

Cannot WAIT to start cooking some of these dishes! Thanks again Jim, expect some facebook comments asking for advice :D

So not only did I think about food on the weekend, I also ATE lots of food! Thursday night i got dumplings and beers with Josh and my friend corey, but didn't have my camera to take photos of his cool house and Indian game Carrom!! CRY! His housemate Kristian gets free cheese through a culinary connection his dad has, so Corey made us cups of tea and put out these 3 amazing cheeses: Brie, Triple Cream, and Blue. The Blue, surprisingly, was my favourite. There is a first time for everything! Kristian also had the same model car that I used to have before it was cruelly stolen from me, so I may have sat in the drivers seat for a minute or 2 and had a moment when Corey left to get biscuits. I didn't tell Kristian this when he arrived there later of course, it was the first time we met so I didn't want him to think i'm weird. That's the fun of life - finding out on your own what people are really like haha. Although, after publishing this info on my blog, it's tempting fate for him to find out. meh. Anyway Thursday was an awesome food day at work too for reasons I cannot explain just yet! And I had to borrow another girl's camera to take some pics which will hopefully appear on here on Wednesday...?

Friday night I ended up going out after work with Corey again! Again there was no plan, and we were just wandering around and ended up here in Chinatown:

YAMATOOOOOO! I realised as I walked past that I have always wanted to try this place! So we did. I got Nabeyaki Udon:

I also bought some tea from T2:

And thought about eating the chocolate Claudia bought me back from Belgium. Look how pretty it is:

Saturday I stuffed my face at a BBQ at my friend Trav's place. It was all cold and rainy, so a pile of Raybans formed on the bench..

And Stevenz jumped in the pool fully clothed for a dare. He gained $30 and probably pneumonia too. That below is Trav making Stevenz earn his money...

Oh and then I went out for Indian food with my family for dinner!! Yikes! OMG this morning when I was walking from Josh's place to the station, I saw this and had a slight freak-out...

It took me a while to notice the fake cobwebs - all i saw were bloody handprints and tape. I think I actually stopped dead in my tracks!

Well there you have it folks! A whole bucket load of information to digest. Hope it's tasty!! I'll be back on Wednesday with some more good posts WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D


  1. oh mannnn that triple cream cheese

    also that pic of stevo in the pool is classic!!

  2. I did exactly the same thing on Sunday after Brunch with Mr Carey. I was sitting in my car getting ready to drive away when I glanced up and saw the tape and fake blood, and my heart stopped for a split second. Until I realised my stupidity and had a little giggle to myself.

  3. I love yor blogs jade!

    Coolest photos ever!

