August 23, 2010

dish 6) poached eggs

Sounds simple huh? Well the first time Josh and I tried it, it was a mess. I followed the instructions to the T this time, and it worked out quite well imo. Now I know i can make my dad's favourite dish (Caeser Salad) for fathers day without a hitch! Check out some cool piczzz of my successful poached eggs:

mmmm! suddenly i feel like eating them again! They were a little flat, so next time i will experiment with swirling the boiling water to see if they become a little more round!
Before the eggs on Saturday, I had a national duty to fulfill. It was Election Day. I got up fairly early and went for a walk to the local High School where i could vote. I started my walk OK, but then after the first 10 steps I realised my cat Chester was following me and wanted to come along on the journey. I was trying to tell him to go home without much luck, and then he followed me into the parklands at the end of the street and started to meow in a distressed manner because he realised he was lost. I had to go back to him and walk him back to my house and put him inside, then turn around and go back. After that embarrassing episode I walked through the park and climbed through a fence to walk along the little... i don't know whether to call it a river, a stream, a canal, or a junkyard. Welcome to the West...

On the way back i even saw this grave...

R.I.P Mosh... I can only hope it was a pet and not some crazy punk dude buried in some dodgy walkway. Anyway that was creepy. Think about better things... like the eggs :) mmmm

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