June 23, 2009

social commentary: eavesdroppers and bookreaders

ok so, this morning on the train i had settled into a little 2 seater bench, and this rather large guy comes and sits beside me. That's OK with me cos it was a little cold this morning so the extra body heat was appreciated. What i didn't appreciate however, was the fact that he felt it was OK to read my book whilst i was. I mean, i was reading along, and because he was pressing into my left arm and was quite close I could see him actually looking down at my page! This totally threw me off - I couldn't concentrate and kept reading the same sentence over and over. He just kept on reading. I put my hand over one of the pages (i guess not so subtly) and he quickly looked away. The knowledge that I KNEW he was read-dropping my book didn't even deter him, he just kept reading!! I tried a few different positions with the book so he would get the hint, and eventually he lost interest. Thanks to him I can't remember what happened between pages 513 and 521 of the 5th Harry Potter book. LOLZIES AS.
But I have seen people do this to people playing games on their phones or DS's - just openly leaning over and watching. But some people playing their DS on the train don't think it's neccessary to wear headphones, so you can hear every slaughter, every objective and every grunt of frustration anyway. Maybe they are inviting a crowd..? Who knows. All I know is that people are stoopid


  1. why do you care if someones reading your book though? whats so bad about it?
    that said, i dont like it either, but i cant put my finger on why...

  2. invades personal space? i dunno
