June 12, 2009

korean bbq (take 2 - sort of)

So last night was the night i went to visit Hoon, or KG as they call him, for homecooked korean fare. Oh I found out what the KG is about. His family name is Kang (sp) and then Gang gets added at the end as a sort of nickname thing. Ok so backtracking to after work. I met blockhead (corey) at the State Library and we went to the Korean food store next to Hungry Jacks on La Trobe Street. He was having trouble trying to recall what we had to buy, and Hoon wasn't answering his calls. Eventually he got onto Hoon only to become more confused, so with Hoon's instruction he approached the Korean girl stacking the fridge, holding out the phone and said "my Korean friend...." and she was all casual and said "oh yeah, give it here" and started talking to Hoon. They say "Yoboseo" (sp) when they answer the phone like in Japan they say "moshi moshi" heehee anyway she got us a basket and was going trhough all the freezers and fridges pulling out things and then handed us our full shopping basket. Blockhead asked me if this was the most amazing moment of my life, standing in a Korean food store while the staff did our shopping. I decided probably not. But it was cool. It will almost be as cool as when i use the nose pore strip thing i bought from the counter. You know one of those blackhead pore strip things? I have never seen one IRL and i developed a sort of obsession with the idea of them. I am saving it for a day when i need to boost my self esteem and report on the anti-climax of using it haha.

So with all our goods in hand we went over to Melbourne Central station and got a train to Huntingdale which was so crammed. It's so weird riding the rails of a new line, I think it was Cranbourne Line..? Anyway as it is winter here i didn't appreciate the cold walk to Hoon's house but I knew that I'd soon be stuffing my gullet with lovely Korean food so it was kinda ok. When we got there i was totally shocked to see the collection of shoes in the entryway under the stairs. Normally you see like.... 4 pairs? Well they had about 40 pairs - not even joking. My camera was flat so I couldnt take pics (noooo) of the array of shoes all neatly lined up on racks. It was astounding, but I seemed to be the only one amazed. I bet in their wardrobes they also had more shoes. Jeez. Anyway Hoon wouldnt let me help with the cooking, but he made this dish called "TPK" or "DPK" as in Korean T and D are used interchangably. It is an abbreviation for Ta Poke or Da Poke (interchangeable) and they assured me that they are the only cool ones to abbreviate it. I bet them that I could google the initials and i could find the dish. I was wrong again. I cant even find the dish on google so i am prob spelling it wrong. *shrug*

So the dish was one of those dishes that when you look at it, you know its going to burn the fuck out of your tongue. It was a hotpot made of a red broth/sauce which had this chili paste in it, as well as onion, spring onion, whole hard boiled eggs, cubes of meat, rice cakes, and other stuff which i don't know about. It was maaaad. He also made a soup with fried fish cakes and onion and spring onion in a clear broth. Pretty amazing!

Possibly the funniest moment of the night was when we were all lazing around on couches afterwards and they told me that Hoon beleives himself to look like Johnny Depp, and everyone stared giggling like at a 16yr old girly sleepover. Then Hoon whipped out his phone and started showing me all the photos of himself with eye makeup and accesories to make himself look more Deppish. haha Hoon. Anyway he is now known as JD. go figure!

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