This is the front door to my mum's house. No she is not a crazy squatting cat lady, living off beetles and mud pies - her house was burnt out a few months ago and it is still being repaired.
I went around there yesterday to check it out, as I haven't been there for a while to see the progress. Basically there were these crims renting it off an old lady, and she was sick of them not paying rent and put the house on the market. It turned out that they weren't paying rent because they were, in fact, in prison. Nice. So my mum bought it, aware of the trashed state of it, but she has a love of antiques and victorian era stuff. This house was built in the 1920's and she was in love. She looked past the needles strewn across the living room floor, past the hydroponics tubs in the backyard, past the creepy sheds in the backyard which had makeshift beds and were infact squats littered with pornography and needles. She even found it in her heart to look past the lovely outdoor living area on the front lawn. By this i mean the couches and gym equipment thrown out the front, accompanied by bags of garbage and torn up mattresses, for all the world to see. Needless to say she doesn't judge a book by it's cover.
So anyway the sale settled but the tenants ran away with the keys. So she was obviously upset that even though the house was hers she wasn't legally allowed there until she got keys. About 5 days after the settlement and before she got the keys, the house was set alight in the early hours of the morning. It was so bad. So anyway they are fixing up the damage but wont be able to live there for ages. Here are some more creepy photos..
This is the back corner where the fire started.
This is also the back corner, it's got the most damage. Even though it's devastating, the wood looks so amazing up close.
This is the creepy yet awesome old oven in what's left of the kitchen. Once they get walls and a floor it should be less creepy, and i won't feel like i am about to be jumped on by a boogie man and terribly scared.
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