June 4, 2010

crush on wheels

Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul! I Really love that Rock and/or Roll! That, ladies and gentlemen, is a sample of Meatloaf's characterisation of "Eddie" in the Rocky Horror Picture Show mixed with a bit of Reverend Lovejoy from the Simpsons. I am, make no mistake, a literary DJ.

So anyway, last night as I was still sick so I decided I had to try to make myself feel better otherwise i would wallow in the murky grey depths of my ill depression. ILL as in SICK - not to be mistaken with late 90's african american slang term often preceded by 'yo, that's...' and followed by 'man/dawg', and SICK as in 'physically unwell' - not to be mistaken with popular slang term meaning 'good'. Surely no alternate meaning can be taken from that one.

So anyway, one weird thing with my cold is that I am super-human hungry, like upending a school bus and shaking the children loose into my slobbering maw hungry. But seriously, if i don't eat regularly i start shaking and find it hard to even walk. Weird. Plus there is ACTUAL grumbly in my tumbly. Winne the Pooh was RIGHT, god damn it!!! The clever son'bitch. I seriously can't remember the last time my stomach growled and squeaked and gurgled.... it would certainly have been after a considerable amount of time between meals - not like yesterday when it was maybe 3 hours after my last meal. I'm starting to think there may be an alien inside of me syphoning all of my energy and nutrients. Maybe it's a teratoma hidden somewhere in my body, who knows. But I did just read an article on teratomas on Monday and I do tend to relate everything i read to some component of my own life, so I am pretty sure I am just imagining things. Pretty sure...

What the fuck am I talking about!? No more tumor talk, I am telling you about my evening. So due to my need to feed i defrosted some pasta sauce i had made last week (yay - go me!) and had a hearty bowl of vegie pasta while I watched THREE, count 'em, THREE episodes of Spongebob SQUAREPANNNTTTSS! That always makes me happy!

After that, I watched some cooking shows (Food Safari and Master Chef) but whilst flicking around on the ad break I stumbled across Glee. It has been on for ages and I have never watched it. I suddenly realised that the sweet wheelchair guy on glee was cute. I found myself sitting up on the couch (i was previously laying down with a pillow and blanket) smiling. I think it's that slight nerdy emo look...the glasses, cardigans and side-swept fringe. He reminds me of a waaay hotter version of Howard from the Big Bang Theory.

Haha, that's him as his Glee character Arty. So watching TV, I suddenly had this daydream play in my head of befriending him and helping to re-build his self esteem while slowly developing an unlikely crush on him and then seducing him and doing a strip tease for him and end up giving him the night of his life in that very chair. After that, we'd be officially a couple and I'd spend my days fighting off criticism and strange looks, and I'd cook so much food for him that he would become obese and then there would be some sort of Dr. Phil style show filming us because I am suddenly classified as a "feeder" and am ruining his chances of ever walking again, or of not developing diabetes. Well most of that I made up right then, but you get the picture. The actor is not disabled - in fact he is a fantastic dancer! He has this slightly too high tooth to face ratio that I like, as below:

well Tim's (Rise Against) teeth are under control there, but I get the vibe still. Speaking of which, Tim still hasn't made it to my wall at work. oops, sorry Tim :P

Anyway I found out that "Kevin McHale" used to be in a 4 piece RnB boyband called "NLT" haha.. they look... awesome...

Did you know!....That because of his passion for dance, he finds it quite difficult to keep his legs still in the chair while singing on Glee. There you go. I am still deciding if he will make it to my wall of boys at work. I don't want to be too hasty - it has only been a 12 hour crush...what is this, Primary School? I might watch an episode next week and see how i feel. Hmm, I dunno...he was in a boy band afterall! Below is my wall at work. As you can see I have all the boys who make me happy to think about/watch/listen to. Spongebob, Josh, The Mars Volta, R-Pattz, Jackson Rathbone, and Chester. There are many more but I can't spend too long changing up my desk cos questions get asked. I have a few pics in the waiting bay, don't you worry :) This wall keeps the other girls at work entertained too!

Anyway, I was running a bath while Glee was on because I thought the soak would help soothe and relax my poor sick body and clear my sinuses (I had to wait until Glee was finished before I went in though because i was strangely hooked to see the outcome). So I have this habit where I put on some old music while i lay in the bath with candles lit and just relax. First it was Billy Holiday, then Ella Fitzgerald, then Roy Orbison and last night Frank Sinatra. The funny thing is, each time I am in the dark bathroom with that nice music wafting in from my adjoining bedroom I always think of some epic movie suicide scene juxtaposed with sweet and happy songs. It sort of freaks me out a little bit, but mostly i just giggle at the images my overactive imagination throws at me. Like one night Hayden and Maki will wonder why Frank Sinatra has been looping for 4 hours and I'm not answering them when they knock on the bathroom door, and they won't want to open it because they realise i'm probably naked and they don't want to embarrass me or themselves. Ok enough of that. I'll never be able to listen to old music in the bath again. Shit. Any better suggestions?

Do you want to know something else that freaks me out? Leather Gloves. Everytime I see someone in the city with leather gloves I immediately picture that person strangling someone. I get this American Psycho/Christopher Walken in Batman Forever vibe from them and seriously I steer clear. You'll see what I mean. You'll see.

Anyway after last night, I feel better. I still am sick, and peeps at work are still razzin' me about it. They are all claiming that they are suddenly sick because of me. I can tell the difference between a fake and a real cough... i can tell. The best news is that my tastebuds are back and I am going to enjoy my dinner tonight SOOOOOO much, and hopefully have a great weekend full of smelling and tasting lots of different things! can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. Jade- put glee hottie up. I watched it last week and instantly got a glee crush!xx
