June 15, 2010

a book affair

ello! I went to "Book Affair" on the weekend - the Sydney Rd Brunswick one. I have fond memories of going to the old one on Elgin Street in Carlton, my oh my yes. I used to go in there with Josh back in the day and play with the pet cats they had. I think it was perhaps this store that stirred up the thoughts of opening a bookstore in Josh. That and Black Books. And every other bookstore ever. BUT anyway they are super cool and have a billion billion books, and here are a few pictures of some of those books...

There you go, hope you like them! There is nothing so overwhelming as standing in the upstairs room of a crowded bookstore and looking at the floor to ceiling books and thinking about each one seperately. Like, each of these books could be a 'life's work' or a major achievement in someone's life. I heard all the voices and pens scratching and frustrated sighs and saw the moment if inspriation light up someone's eye - which I myself have felt - like a lightbulb being turned on. Crazy days!


  1. There is a store in Newtown NSW you (and Josh) would have loved! Packed to the rafters with books, 2 floors of it!

  2. books, books, books! I love books!
