May 6, 2009

social commentary: the wave

so, imagine you are a pedestrian happily strolling along a city street, perhaps listening to some music or thinking about how much you would love to go to Japan again... it may be a stretch, but please, for the sake of the experiment.. please try. So you get to the corner of your current street and an alley or similar sized small street. As a model citizen, as well as a handsome stroller, with an admirable swagger, you stop at this corner and check for any maniac drivers who may be trying to run you down - intentionally or otherwise...

Suddenly, and surprisingly you see a car coming up the alley wanting to turn out of the street. Then much to your delight, the car slows to a stop and they wave you across. What do you do?

I was always a 'hand up in a half floppy wave but signalling thanks' kind of person, then one day recently i decided to become a "thumbs up" person. I tried it a few times and i think i get more of a kick out of it than the driver would. Which is good, it gives me a moment of joy, even if my joy doesn't project onto others. Ok, so i'm happy being a thumber, yeah, but i often wondered if they would only half see me, and think that I am flipping the bird..? I hope not, because they might run me over.
Anyway! The last few days walking from work to the train station, i have been in this situation where i get signalled to walk infront of a car, and i go to do a thumbs up, but somehow I HAVE PUT UP MY INDEX FINGER! WHAT!!!?? WHYY>?!?!?!! After i do it, I kinda go "why did i just do that..?". i have done this twice, i have no idea why i would raise my index finger, as if to say "just 1 minute..." or if i waggled it it would be like "no,no,nooo!". i feel like such a fool, i hope i don't do it again.. rrrr

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