February 4, 2011

Wassup wit me? Wassup witchu?

Well folks, would you believe that I am currently working on a few of my list items this week? Finally, I know! Today I went back to the market on my lunch break, this time with my boss. He wanted to go buy some eggs, and I wanted to go scope out the chickens for sale! Live chickens, of course darlings! List Item 21 is to build a chicken coop and get some chooks before the deadline (June 30). The motivation behind this is.. well... I'm a big kid, and waking up to find a little fresh egg in the pen would totally blow my socks off! I got given this rabbit hutch by Josh's younger sister and was planning to buy a little bunny, but now I think i will renovate it and use it for little chickens.

I was thinking of getting small bantems but while at the market I saw some darling little quails for $7.50 each.

They are ready to lay, and I would love some little quail eggs to cook with :D ha, that sounds so barbaric! While we were wandering around the market I decided to buy a fruit I have never eaten before. I stopped at a stall to buy a fig as I've only ever had dried figs before! It was $2.40 on its own - quite expensive I must say! While I was putting my change away, I noticed a box of little spiky fruits that were advertised as XXL cherries. Knowing that it must be wrong, I asked what they were. The asian man said they were lychees and i got a little embarrassed as i should have known! He asked if I had ever had one before, to which I replied that I've only had the canned variety - never fresh! He plucked one out of the box and started peeling it for me and handed it over for me to finish peeling and try. I wanted to take a photo then and there but I nibbled at the cloudy white flesh and was amazed at how strong the flavour was. I told him thanks and that it was really nice and sweet, and he said "oh yes, it's a fruit for ladies!" - how cute! It's a nicer thing than the wine man said to me, that's for sure!

So I nibbled and remarked at it all the way back to work and took a few shots. It reminded me of a hard boiled egg in the shell. You peel back the shell and the little egg inside just pops out. It is about the same jellyish yet firm consistency of an egg too, but more juicy obviously because it is a fruit. Anyway it was not very big but so sweet and a tad peppery that I could not imagine having a second one after that! I quite liked it but maybe it is a 'sometimes' fruit :) 

I then got back to work with my fig, and remenisced about the Sex and the City episode (2.3 - Freak Show) where Charlotte is seeing the guy called "Mr. Pussy" named so because his favourite thing to eat is... well... you can guess. She tries to make it into a proper relationship but all he wants is his favourite meal and nothing more. At dinner (a real dinner at a restaurant) she tries finding out about his personality and life etc, and asks what he wants to do that night whereupon he picks up half a fig, turns the flesh out and licks and sucks it until it is all over his face. Ha! Gross and funny. So I was eating my fig thinking of him. The fig was nice - crunchy, not too sweet, slippery, earthy. It looks like a cross between an eggplant and an avocado and a pear from the outside.. yes I think that's a fitting description.

So there you go, now i have had 3/5 new fruits!!! WEE!

Oh, and tonight I will be smoking the shisha, if you know what I mean. Well, no double entendre implied. Actually yes, i did imply it for fun, but I will actually be smoking from a shisha. Quite excited to dress up and go to this fancy restaurant and smoke-a da shisha! Another one off the list!

AND NEXT WEEK I WILL BE GOING CAMPING! Proper camping with no toilet or electricity :) It will be a road trip (3.5 hours) to a place I haven't been before which I could potentially cross off the list if I wanted to... i will also be going camping, and possibly doing some bush tucker/camp cooking, and i may just sleep under the stars one night :) I may leave the skinny dipping for another time when I'm more... alone.... or with Josh of course! Wish me luck! Can't wait!!

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