This was pretty much what i did most of the time...
*Note: we have two TVs set up cos the little one is for the Nintendo 64 that came to our place along with our new housemates. It's not like we are some sort of Dennis Hopper-esque terrorists watching the progress of a speeding bus on multiple screens. Pssshhh.
I managed to break out of my coma in order to attend a Jungle themed 21st on Saturday night. Josh drove. haha. Anyway as we were leaving, i visited the latrine and on my way out I saw this on the wall...
I presume it is a height chart for multiple children in a family. it is pretty creepy as it is so old, and these children do not live there anymore - or maybe their ghosts do because they all only go up to about 7 years old... yipes! Infanticide is alive and well in Melbourne! Well i guess it's not infanticide of they are 7 right? Just plain old murder. Plainy olde le merdoor. yep. anyway, look at the creepy wall and think long and hard about stuff.
Also, while i was so lazy over the weekend, Hayden bought a new car!! A VW golf :) I got to driiive it, i got to driiive it! So exciting for me, as my car 'Ebi' is fairly old as you can see it the pic:
Oh yes, Friday night. Before the lethargy set in, I had grandoise plans as i mentioned, so Josh and I made this vegan "meat" pie for dinner. I'm not going to put up the recipe yet- even though it tasted awesome the consistency was all wrong. So runny! I wanted to put tempeh in it but josh just wanted veggies. Will keep at it, and report back with a workable recipe.

So, what do i have planned for tonight you ask...? Well it is quite hilarious but i am lookig forward to watching Brokeback Mountain FOR THE FIRST TIME EVAHHHHH, in bed. Oh dear... I am seriously going to swallow my tongue one of these days. Lethargyyy is killing meeee. Hey, I had a super late night last night and had to get up extra early for work today so i am tired! Maybe i will cook something or go for a run or something productive. Seriously I didnt shower for like almost 40 hours over the weekend. Sunday i totally dropped the ball. oh well...
Speaking of dropping the ball, it's SUPERBOWL SUNDAY in aMerica today. Here it is Monday obviously but the boys are all at a pub watching it as we speak. I totally wish i was there too, beats work any day. Even though i don't understand the rules of NFL... or any sport for that matter... i think that part of my brain is missing. I dont know how many times Josh has explained to me the rules of Tennis when the Australian Open is on. It is laughable. HAHAHA.
You know what else is laughable!? Hayden put a picture on his blog of when i went to help him shift house from Newport to our place. As most of his things were moved out already there were no tools to dis-assemble his bed frame. We thought "hmm it's pretty light, we can totally get it down the stairs!!" So we got it most of the way down before it got wedged between the 2 walls and was hanging suspended a few meters in the air... photo: HERE . Don't ask what I am doing in that photo... my own face frightens me a lot of the time. Anyway in the end we had to go ask a neighbour for a socket set and take the bed apart in mid-air.. haha ridiculous.
You know what else is ridiclous?! (man, i am slutting this segway up today) What is ridiculous is that my own cat, Chester, HATES ME NOW! Ever since Maki and Hayden moved in, he has been so distant and doesn't come to me when i click or call his name like he used to. The others have noticed it also. I was clicking so furiously that i am surprised i didnt snap a finger - and Chester just looked at me with hardly any recognition in his eyes. Then hayden did it and he ran over and jumped on his lap. Hayden and Maki both love Chester sleeping on their beds and
in the morning whoever had the pleasure of his company is King in de castle. I have fallen from power. Overthrown. Mutiny. Can't go on... How can i win him back?? You know, the other night he was limping badly so maybe i ran over his foot again? i dont think so though... maybe he just associates limping with me and now hates me for no reason. sigh
Anyway I am starving, and I have some left over Pasta that Hayden made last night. MMM!
id reply to the other stuff in this mega blog post but CHESTER! OMG! How could he?