After the inspection was over i decided to make Minestrone soup as well as vegan banana cake. I realised this would be a problem because i was out of onions and had to get some pear juice for the cake. So i hopped in my trusty car to zip down to the supermarket. I had nearly reached my destination when my car broke down. yes sir. after much stuffing around on my part calling my dad for help etc the RACV showed up and said i'd need to get it towed and that the ignition device or something was faulty. fuck. I ended up getting my onions etc and also got some chamomile tea so i could relax (yah riiiiight) and eventually got back home. I put Aladdin on to wash away the badness of this terribly annoying fucking stupid situation. i sung along to all my childhood faves as i made the soup and cake, and now i am really beat.
Chester was sitting beside me just now licking his groin, and it got me thinking of all the provocative poses he makes. i should take pics of him and sell it to other cats as porn.
Speaking of strange porn, here are some bike porn shots of my girl Mary-Jane:

Anyway i thought i should introduce you to sweet Mary-Jane (in a non pot-smoking way) as she is now my mode of transport for the next few days. Haha watch me be a hermit to avoid the physical exertion. Well i have to take some photos of the food i made. maybe tomorrow i'll put it up. I'm a bit flat atm tbh ttm omg.. enough of that!!! uhhh yes anyway i have my friends bday tonight and was goign to try to pincurl my hair or something cool but now i am too tired to even put pants on. just joking i am wearing pants :)
I have this theory. The world is punishing me for loving twilight. My relationships are shifting ever so slightly due to the fact that the person does or does not love it also. At work I have more to talk about with the 2 twilight girls. Last night at a girly sleepover it was all i could think about and i kept whispering to Maslin (who loves it too), nobody else cared for our secret edward whispers. Josh and Maki tease me, Maki calls it "Chick Crack" which is exactly what it is. I just can not stop. All these bad things seem to be happening lately though, apart from the car break in and break down i also BROKE the fucking can opener. who does that? i am being punished for being so happy whilst reading twilight sadly. ugh. got to go
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