So, everyone has been going keraaaaaaayzzeeeee on Fache-book over Doppleganger Week. A few of my friends have some pretty spot on celebrity look-a-likes, but I struggle with this. My friend Seona (aka. Drew Barrymore) gave me a link to some
site where you upload a photo of yourself and it matches your facial features to celebrities. I thought this might work, so i tried it with this photo:

That's me with the glasses. Ok so here is a list of all my look-a-likes from highest to lowest match.
80% match James Spader.

Hmm, awesome. I look like a middle aged man with a hairy chest. I was shocked by this, until I saw the rest of the photos...then it all made sense...
76% MatchElvis Costello and Janeane Garofalo... i guess around the EYE area they look a little similar...
74% MatchElton John. What. the. fuck...? That's only 6% away from the other man i look like...
72% MatchLarry King. Oh god, I'm getting older the less i look like people now. what does that even mean?
71% Match
Jack Osbourne (before he got ripped and cute) / Wim Wenders (?) / Gary Oldman...

70% MatchNana Mouskouri and Jack Nicholson. Jack...Nicholson... not even handsome YOUNG Jack nicholson, but old and bloated jack...
So obviously this doesn't work if you wear glasses right? I had to look back almost 2 years to find a picture of me without glasses. My 21st birthday party was a glasses-free zone for me, until i couldnt see anything or anyone and went to find them. If that website wasn't so busy with doppleganger week, i would test out my other photo. Maybe tomorrow...
So, anyway talking about percentages.... why are 80% of my look-a-likes men?
Its the black framed glasses...more famous men wear them. Plus, go back in time to the 80's and early 90's and you won't be so unhappy looking like James Spader...the man was downright beautiful when he was young.
ReplyDeleteI Janeane the one from Cats And Dogs? If so, she's awesome. Thanks for mentioning me! Let me know how the no glasses photo goes JK!!!! xX
ReplyDeletegary oldman looks GREAT in that pic, you should feel flattered. oh except for the whole male thing.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, i remember James Spader in Pretty in Pink! hehe what a hunk! Also, cats and dogs? that CGI movie? I don't know seona, i just don't know :P Haha michelle, gary oldman fest hahaaaa