Oh yes, and after that wonderfully romantic day, the following day was V-day. Or Valentines day if you will. Josh and I don't get too into it, it's a bit commercial. We have shared 6 Valentines Days together each one a little different from the last.
I remember the first one so clearly! Josh and I were not dating yet but we were hanging out heaps and I knew he liked me. And I liked him. BUT we were both painfully shy and hesitant. So he invited me over to his house to hang out on Valentines Day. Of course I knew it was the day of love but he, on the other hand, did not. I thought he must have planned something, so in the days leading up to it I bought him a present (a CD) and wrote him this really long letter thanking him for various things that we had done together and things he had shown me. I know that sounds seedy but it was 100% innocent i swear. Anyway yes the letter was along the lines of "thank you for going op-shopping with me, thank you for showing me the Tropicana juice bar on Elizabeth Street, thank you for always looking out for me..." etc etc for pages and pages. I think he still has it, i would be interested to read it again :D Anyway I rocked up to his place to hang out and gave him this present and letter and he was so embarrassed to not have anything for me. He liked the letter and said it was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about him. He actually looked like he was going to cry. And I have only seen him cry once in the 5 or so years that i have known him. He isn't really a crier. I do enough crying for the both of us seriously.
Wow, i did not intend that walk down memory lane. But I like it. Remembering the early days... I'm totally going to do something special for him soon. Just don't know what yet... I can't discuss it here as he reads my blog :D aw Josh you were so cute and innocent back then! *memories*
Anyway, other valentines days usually entailed a daytime celebration. One year - possibly our "first" valentines day we wanted to go and have a picnic at the Botanic Gardens but it was over 40 degrees and neither of us had a licence so we had a backyard picnic instead. The other years were in a similar low-key fashion, until one year we decided to have a proper Valentines Day complete with romantic dinner in Williamstown. It was the worst date we have ever been on. Josh booked this Greek restaurant but we could only get a 9pm sitting. Then they took forever to give us menus, take our order, replenish our wine, and it took over an hour for our entrees to come out and there was a hair on one of them. We had just about run out of things to talk about, and we were just so hungry and annoyed. Then they informed us that they had run out of what we ordered for our main, and asked if we wanted something else. We said no and left. But then we got Hungry Jacks drive-thru on the way home and had a picnic on my bed :) Best ending to the shittest night. After that we aren't really into V-day too much haha.
But this year our local Indian Restaurant waiter informed us of a Valentines Party they were having. It involved a banquet and some Bollywood Dancing! Josh and my interest was piqued indeed! So we signed up! Soon Maki and his girlfriend Mel heard about our plans and were interested as they aren't a huge V-day couple either. Then another couple we know joined us, and then Hayden too! It was awesome! We got some bubbly and the banquet was massive! It was: papadums and raita, lentil soup, potato and pea cakes, prawns in spinach curry paste, a selection of naan breads, spiced rice, a chicken curry, a lamb curry, a vegie curry, a whole tandoori grilled fish, and for dessert pistachio ice cream! I didn't really take any pics of the food as i was way too busy scoffing my faché, but i took some silly pics of us playing games with our fingers...
Here is Hayden doing the "blood" sign...
Well, that is the end of my weekend story. Oh actually, i will tell you something funny! Josh and I both talk in our sleep and say creepy things sometimes. On Saturday night i was fast asleep when Josh yanked one of the pillows out from under my head and laid it down between us - he yanked like 3 times until he got it out. My head fell to the other thin pillow underneath and i was like "Josh! Josh!? What did you do that for?.... Josh....??" and he turned over to me and went "*sigh* you said you didn't want 2 ice-cream sticks." and i said "what are you talking about...? These are pillows, not ice-cream sticks!" to which he replied "Well, you SAID you only wanted one ice-cream stick so I was just trying to help!" and with that he went back to sleep. I asked him in the morning if he remembered but he didn't. Haha.
Ok well i am thinking about making dinner for the housemates tonight, I havent cooked for everyone in ages, I dont know whats going on, we have all been all over the place! Maybe a mushroom risotto...? mmmmmm
im so glad i read this at home and not at work because i loled so hard at the ice cream stick thing
i also lold a little at ice cream stick thing... and josh.... please fix your thumb.... i think its broken.. and its disturbing :P