Morning dudez!
Remember how I said that yesterday I would be having dinner in Williamstown with el Josho? Yes, well I didn't make that up, it actually happened, i swearz! Here are a few shots!

The above 2 were taken while i was waiting for Josh. I caught the train there after work and made my way to the grassy reserve on Nelson Place. I was listening to a little Ricky Gervais podcast and thought i'd recline in the sunshine for a while. There were no seasgulls around when i got there, but i picked up a cigarette butt from where i was laying, and chucked it about a meter away... and those cheeky gulls thought i was feeding them. Fuck, I hope none of them ate it :S
Soon Josh turned up and we went to get some yummy fish and chips to bring back to our grassy area!

That cheeky gull actually walked up and snatched one of my chips!!! How ballsy!

We were surrounded by those screeching squawking (weird spelling, made me think) gulls, cos Josh finished eating first and started throwing his scraps to them. I was still eating so they were getting a little too close for comfort for me. MY CHIPS!!! Oh yes, then Josh decided he wasn't going to feed any of them unless they hovered in the air for ages waiting to catch the chip in their mouth.
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