some jerk sent me a link to this awesome blog called "Hello Mr. Fox" which is effing awesome! It makes me want to dress up in girly lacey fabrics and take pictures of myself and run around in a forest, and spend all my time and money rumaging around in op-shops and antique markets, only to decorate my house with a spectrum of florals and nicknacks. Now I am even more excited than ever to move into my new house in May. It will be 100% MINE and i can do whatever the hell i want to it. I have never had this degree of freedom with a house so I am feeling a bit nervous. But i'm sure i will rise to the challenge and do something cool. I'm also excited about the blogging opportunities that will arise with all the DIY before and after shots :D calm down jade, calm down.
Anyway, what was i talking about...? Oh yes BLOGS! So i was browsing that cool blog, when i found a link to another cool blog called Carly Waito (i think)! I am so inspired by these two blogs that i feel as though the skin on my face is tingling and aching with longing to smile and laugh and run around outside and smile at the sun. Is that normal? Probs not. Anyway this second blog has some amazing stuff on there, she posts about vacations, restaurants, dinner parties, hobbies, things she makes... it is rather awesomely rather like a certain subarashiiblog, rather. fu fu fu! I am feeling so hypo now! !! !! !!! ! !
Anyway, I would like to share with you some photos i found on Carly Waito's blog, and I will try to credit the original source so I don't get one day accused of blog plagiarism or something...

The below 4 images are snow through a Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscope (LT-SEM).
