By the time i got to work and realised that even our measly pedastle fans had been taken away, leaving us with NOTHING, my makeup had already melted off my face and i was wishing i had called in sick. Oh well, i went on a scavenger hunt and found 1 fan for the 4 of use to share. ridiculous.
So last night I went home and was thinking of all the amazing things I could whip up for dinner, when i came across Josh and Maki chilling outside with beers. They had watched the superbowl and had been drinking beers most of the day it seemed, so they weren't hungry or interested in food. And i didn't want to go to heaps of effort just for myself. So I took the opportunity of Hayden's absence to go and get charcoal chicken with chips and gravy for dinner. When we got there Maki and Josh had changed their minds and wanted chips too, so we ended up getting a whole chicken and a jumbo chips and gravy and coleslaw for the 3 of us haha. We also got a slab of what we thought was a Vegan beer (Carlsberg) so that Hayden could drink with us, but he said he didn't think it was vegan. So we sat out the back until about 9pm eating our extremely non-vegan feast and playing with Chester.
The guys told me that one of the pumpkins is getting really big so i went to go see it. It looks like it will be a Butternut and it is already the size of my hand!! Granted I have pretty small hands, not as small as a barbie or something, but fairly small.
Oh yes, of course! Then we were feeding lucky little Chester some chicken because he was staring at us for about an hour straight, just waiting patiently.
Seriously though, Maki is shaping up to be one of the most clumsy people I have ever known. He won't mind me saying this cos we discussed it at length and he knows all about it. But since moving in 2 weeks ago he has spilt 3 of his own beers all over the floor, just by not remembering they are by his side, and tipping them over with his foot or something. He also kicked the NFL ball the other night and it went off course and hit Josh's side mirror SMASHING IT and it fell to the ground. Then the two things last night - and i don't want to know how many other things have happened when i'm not around. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Maki that broke Hayden's side mirror somehow haha. No longer will i blame accidents on Chester - Maki is the new scapegoat. He said that he's having a pretty good run and hasn't broken any fixtures or furniture...yet. I didn't like the indication of threat and impending face-palming. I want to finish my blackboard project so i can keep a Black Books-esque tally of things broken (like their kill tally). haha
anyway this was the floor just after the beer smashing incident. We remarked how it reminded us of "paranormal activity" and that creepy powder scene!
Ok so I did actually kind of stick to my plan which involved watching Brokeback Mountain for the first time. I didn't watch it in bed as planned, as I was surprised to hear that Maki and Josh wanted to watch it with me. As much as i still want to watch a dvd in bed i thought it might be a little awkward with the 3 of us, so we watched it in the loungeroom. and. Oh. My. God. What a brilliant movie. I was moved to tears, it was just so heartbreakingly sad the whole time. The guys loved it too. look at this:

ah makes me want to cry again. fuck man. FUCK. Anyway i'm not going to be able to stop thinking about this movie...ever. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are two of my top 5 hottest people ever list. And while it was interesting to see 2 males kissing (as you never really see that in mainstream media) i wasn't turned on by it which i was curious to see if i would be. but i was MOVED. They are both so brilliant and amazing and i can't even believe how amazing the movie was. Fuck society man, fuck it right in the eye. So unfair. Anyway about 10 minutes into the film i was wishing i didn't have ANY prior knowledge of what the movie was about so I wouldnt keep looking for clues and giggling inwardly at all the hints that something was going to happen. There was a part where heath ledgers character was naked in the background and jake's character was sort of looking out the corner of his eye. THAT is the scene where i would have realised what was going on. oh man. is it lame of me to say RIP to heath ledger? Well I think he is an amazing talent, and i am so dissappointed that he is not alive anymore. it is such a horrible shame.
Ok, i have gotten a bit morose now.. let me cheer things up by telling you about this new "joke" that is circulating in the house. It involves me... wanting to fellate any red-head i see. Or at least that's how Maki sees it. Sure i had a crush on Ron Weasley, and my favourite Partridge family cast member is little Danny Partridge who happens to have red hair, and my cat is a ginger cat. But that doesn't mean anything! And for the record I am stating here and now that I am not, and have never been, attracted to Danny Bonaduce - who i googled and there are so many pics of him without a shirt looking like a fucking idiot that I am now calling him Danny Bonadouche. I do not have a ginger fetish, even though Josh has a few stray AUBURN hairs in his beard sometimes, it is all just coincedental. Maki is now suggesting that I have a crush on Cameron Ling - the Captain of Geelong Football Club (Aussie Rules Football) . This is laughable... google it and see what i mean. Sorry Cameron, I'm sure you are awesome but I am totally not attracted to you. I used the word "monster" which i am not proud of... sorry again.
Ok wow, i have waffled on for ages. I have to get myself organised for my friend's wedding this Saturday :D It is going to be a cry-fest. can't wait
Wow jade, I finally started reading your blog today and I am uber, UBER impressed! All the beautiful cooking you do is awesome! I haven't seen brokeback mountain, I think I shall do that soon after your review of it being so great. And Maki has been droppiong beers for years, I think there was a succession of three or four 18ths back in the day where he'd drop at least one beer...
ReplyDeleteI am sure you will anyway, but keep up the good work!
Getting ready for the cry-fest, only four sleeps to go! Still going platinum blonde and spray tan? Red is dead sexyyyyyyy...
Love, Megan.
ReplyDeleteomg i forgot josh had a ranga beard
Dear Jade,
ReplyDeleteWow. You always make me smile on boring/bad days! Sometimes I don't read your blog for awhile and when I come on, I read to catch up and I think why did I take so long to read this!
Ok. So, you made me laugh, I am actually at work and I lol'd and I got looks. Like weird looks. But it was worth it. Poor Maki. Lol. I can't believe he broke the bottle and then the broom! Lol.
FYI, People accuse me of the same thing (The whole lovin' of the ranga's.) I think it was me liking Ron Weasley (some would say in the way of looks - I would say not!) And I've had some crushes on the ole' ranga's too, but it is just a coincidence. I swear.
Anyway, please keep making me smile and maybe this week if you're not late again, I'll see you on the train for a chat!
thanks guys! I will make my next post EVEN better just for you :) xoxoxo
ReplyDeletei think it was poor at best
ReplyDeleteim moving out if this defamation continues
ReplyDeletemaki... get out