hello dear people. I am feeling quite 'blah' today, so i thought some blogging might cheer me up a little. Let me start by showing you this amazing Pizza we made late last week!! It involves some "vegan chicken" that Hayden had in the freezer, and a whole lot of delishhhh veg. We cooked the "chicken" in some bbq sauce and then put it on the base with tomato, capsicum, mushroom, cheese, smokey BBQ sauce and after that was cooked we added avocado and spinach and more BBQ sauce. It. was. amazing.

Vegan chicken tasted quite a bit like chicken haha. Poor Hayden came home and I was excitedly telling him about the pizza and then i realised that i had put a lot of cheese on there meaning he couldn't have any. Sorry Hayden!!
So on Saturday I did a clean out and took 3 bags of stuff to the op-shop and only spent $10 there (and mum and I visited 3 different ones!!) on essential items such as a new ironing board cover and a kitchen utensil holder/vase.
When we got home we fixed my chest of drawers as the bottoms were falling out, and I put in new drawer lining.
I had this baby blocks/teddy bears print previously which I didn't really realise until the other day. Turns out my mum put that drawer lining in there when my older brother was coming home from the hospital after being born. 1986 styyyle. She kept a bit for sentimental reasons but we chucked out the rest. The chest of drawers are suprisingly well built and they are just my style (white antique)! I was thinking of putting cute crystal knobs on it but the current handles are attached by 2 screws which mean i have to pick a replacement with 2 screws also, otherwise i'll have ugly screw holes on either side of my cute crystal knobs. poo-bum.
Anyway I just found that pink polkadot wrapping paper from the Reject Shop or somewhere for $2, and stuck it in place with double sided tape :)
Also on our outing, mum and I went to Bunnings to check out the plant selection. I got some cool herbs and things to pot up for transfer to the new house :)

I got: Oregano, Mint, a Bay Tree, Tomato Plant, and 2 mini-capsicum plants. I am super excited about the Bay Tree as I use dried bay leaves in just about everything (except for toilet paper replacement...althouuugh it would give me a nice "natural smell"...

Once these get growing, I will buy some more... I am thinking a chilli plant next... Oh yes, and I went searching through the dense forest that is the pumpkin patch to find the cantelope... and here it is - larger than life:

It is almost ready!! Also we have about 6 pumpkins growing and they are BIG! Anyway, the nice weather continued into Sunday too. Josh had to do some packing as he was moving out that afternoon. We slept in so no packing was done. Then we went to St. Kilda to see Hayden's Band "Small Town Fiasco" play at the Espy! The weather down there was sexual, sooo nice! Across the road the St. Kilda Market was in full swing, but we opted for some lunch at the Espy Kitchen. I got this delicious turkish lamb pizza...

So good. We hurriedly ate and went to see the band play in the Gershwin (sp?) room at 2pm then had to hurriedly leave so Josh could pack. His dad showed up at around 4.30 and we loaded up all of his books, clothes, chest of drawers, bookshelf, and mattress and were on our way to Flemington.

Yeah so it was a bit sad (i'm only playing it down because i know he reads my blog) :P no no, it wasn't too bad. He ended up staying with me last night because he hasn't got his job transfer yet and had to work at 6am this morning so it was easier. He is doing the same thing on Tuesday night and Friday night too. I'm looking at this week as a phasing out period, where he is only gone half of the time. He gets transfered to the city store next week and then I will be able to see his work from my work :) maybe we can have lunch dates.
His new house is pretty cool, while old and delapidated at the same time. It has quite a charm about it. It is close to everything that is awesome and has the capability to make me super jealous. I can't wait to move closer to the city but it probably won't be until next year sometime as I dislike moving house twice a year, plus I will have to weigh up my finances to see if it is even viable! Would be very cool though. Josh's new bedroom is pretty huge, but it's not as cool as Dean's room downstairs. Dean (josh step-bro) 's room is actually a wine cellar off the kitchen and has a red wooden door and no window. I will take photos next time if Dean is cool with that. I think it is the best bedroom ever. It definately doesn't sound appealing but it just smashes it! You'll see.
Anyway, I have nothing funny to say. I am so sorry. Oh yes. I really want to re-read the twilight books. HAHA. that is probably funny to a lot of people. but seriously.
Also, my cousin Bec says she might come visit me from Adelaide over Easter which is about 3 weeks away :D how exciting. I could use a dose of her hypo-ness!! Have a good day!
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