Hello everyone! well Josh was jujst on his laptop beside me and i saw him open subarashiblog from his favourites list. i squealed a little, but i was cut short when his face fell because i hadn't updated. jeeeessssssuussss. you think he would get enough of me when we live together, but apparently not. there is never enough jade to go around.. or something like that. i dont know, i'm tired.
i had my mum over for dinner and then we watched Julie and Julia together. * GiRlz NiTe * ha! anyway if you don't happen to know, the character Julie writes a blog and then her marriage starts to disintegrate because she becomes so narcissistic as a result. I really hope i am not like that. am I? AM I? oh fuck i'm doing it right now... whatever.
so here are some pictures i took last week when we made some vegan bolognaise and bruschetta with some of the left over pesto on it as a base. delishhh!

haha, so as you can see Chester seems to rate g-bread pretty high on his list of faves - right next to tuna or peas and corn. Chester jumping on the table, while rude and unhygienic of him, is highly entertaining and it's quite hard to keep him off surfaces that he is not allowed on. Who am I kidding, he is the top of the food chain at our place. we hold the door open for him, let him inside before any of us enter, we feed him and pat him and let him sleep on our bed. Chester is king.
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