aight so here's the story! Today i went le crazy on a girly shopping trip and bought an alarming number of things. you know things... those things you suddenly really need!? well i bought a lot of them. apart from buying 4 pairs of frilly knickers (pronounced in hugh grant's voice), 2 bras, a skirt, 2 'shoe organisers', a decorative cane basket, a falafel kebab, a set of 6 whiskey glasses for josh, 2 wine glasses to replace the ones i murdered, a new can opener to replace the one i also sent into the unforgiving abyss of the afterlife, i also felt the need to buy SEVEN PAIRS OF SHOES!!! "crazy!!!", "haha, i know, right!?" moving on!
surprisingly this didn't cost me heaps! i think i got 7 pairs of shoes for about $100. CIKR! (crazy, i know right). i am going to adopt that little acronym for the time being. genius! so here is me doing a combination of foot modelling and photography prowess... print these mental pictures on silk paper and rub them all over your body - then get on a webcam to me!! ohhhh yes
anyway let me tell you what else is awesome right now: my dad bought me over about 12 heads of broccoli today and now i have to eat them! i gave a few away to mum and used one to add to the pasta sauce for dinner, but i still have lots! knowing me, i could throw them into the vegie patch out the back and somehow wind up selling broccoli for a living. i'll buy up all the land behind the house to expand into a proper farm. what an overgrown wonderland it would be. ewan mcgregor could star in a movie thats filmed there an the location! coooool! but then the cast of entourage might show up to hang out and i really dont want to see them.
anyway on another note- i have watched the twilight movie TWICE in 2 days. OMG CIKR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and here is what i thought about this movie: it is an abomination! i will go into WHY in another post, but abomonation aside,... i keep wanting to watch it. its like a quick fix, i need a hit man!! it wasnt as bad the second time, and i kind of love it by default due to its twilightness. haha oh well. oh and you know what! i have another celeb crush apart from robert pattinson!! it is the actor who plays 'jasper' - jackson rathbone. he is so daaaaaym hot, and then myself and hayden realised he reminds us of josh. woohooo! i am celeb crazy right now, i dont even know who i am anymore. i cant believe twilight has affected me so much. i think i need counseling of some sort. i'll be back to myself in no time :)
you know what else is awesome? dwight! so i'm going to go watch the american office for a bit because it's severely distracting me from my duty to serve you good people in blog form! adios muchachos, hasta la vista!
and i'm not even being dumb by saying that in an 'arnie' voice - it's a legitimate greeting in a legitimate language! hasta la vista! it sounds so much better in its native tongue :)
i apologise if you find this blog post a little crazy, i probably will too when i read it back tomorrow. OMG LOL CIKR
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