well i am quite angry today that I left my camera USB cord at home, so I can't show you the DIY project I FINALLY finished over the long weekend!! Instead I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to daydream about some ideas i would love to bring into my new house. I have a limited budget, and i can't get too carried away thinking about my favourite *DrEaM FeaTuReS* as i have expensive taste and limited space ha!

I love this light blue, I want it for my bedroom. I found it on the Dulux website- The light blue is "Angora Blue" and the dark blue is "Frills". I also have high(ish) ceilings with cream finishings. I have been thinking about this for a while and i still like the idea. So far in my bedrooms I have had yellow, mauve, magenta, burgundy, and burgundy again. I think it's time for a change. I have all cream furniture too, and a black wrought iron bed with white fluffy bed-sheets. sounds good to meeee!

I found this image on Brabourne Farm blog - I already have one vintage suitcase (in brown). I will need to get some more I think. Great storage idea as I have a lot of... what's the word... oh yes: shit!

Floor to ceiling bookshelves *sigh* Another a great storage idea. The house isn't huge so I will need to get creative I think - especially with Maki and Hayden living there too. I have lots of nicknacks and cookbooks and DVDs and things like that. I think even a small compartment bookcase like from IKEA would do the trick. Josh is moving out on Friday and is taking his massive bookshelf with him so I will have to keep my eyes open at the op-shops to see any that I could turn into white ones :P The above image is also from Brabourne Farm but I believe was first in Homes & Gardens Mag.

Also from Brabourne Farm - my gosh I love mantlepieces. I don't have an open fire, but i just love them. I wish there was some way i could have a wall shelf like this without it looking stupid.

Best Laundry ever - i found it on Brabourne Farm again (originally from Easy Living Mag)! When I moved out of home a year ago, I had big plans for my laundry, however nothing eventuated. But Now... Now.... NOW I STILL WANT TO DO SOMETHING!! Maybe a nice paint job in the laundry might make me feel happier about doing washing. I think ironing is my real problem though. If you see me in a wrinkly T-shirt don't bother commenting cos i seriously couldn't care less. It takes hours to get through the ironing pile!!! Sure you could put a movie on while you are doing it, but how depressing is it when the movie finishes and you are still half-way through the pile. I suppose I have only done the "washing pile" twice since moving out, and Josh: zero. So you can see there is usually a back-log. I have clothes in there that i forgot i own. haha. Before I do any ironing I need to get a better ironing board, our cover has disintegrated from the sunshine. So bad.
omg i almost just jizzed my pants. I THINK my new house might have a walk-in robe. It may be me just imagining that and getting my own hopes up... but it might just be... holy crap. I'll have to look at the plans tonight!! I am already thinking of a curtain to hang across it. Oh please oh please oh please have one!!!!!
Anyway my plan is that all this decorating and obsessing about my new house will make me forget that Josh is living elsewhere for university purposes. I'm sure I can read home decor blogs all night until I pass out, then wake up in the morning too consumed with my home decor hangover to remember reality. i'm good at supressing negative memories haha
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