July 31, 2010
List Update: July poem, Dish 1, gardens...

July 30, 2010
list progress

July 26, 2010
12) Build a generously endowed snowman
Aight, so I may have put this one on my list of wonder knowing that i was going to the snow in a matter of days, BUT i know i probably won't be heading back there for a few years so you know what they say... When opportunity knocks, invite it in and have steamy sex with it on the kitchen bench! So my first list item was completed on Saturday, woohoo!! At work we got offered spots on a famil trip to Mt. Buller for $104 for the day. That included bus transfer to and from the mountain, snowboard hire, pants/jacket/boot hire, a snowboarding lesson, a day's lift pass, free beer and some pizza. I think that was it but usually a lift pass is $100 by itself, so yeah as if i was gonna pass this up! So here's me with my glasses under my goggles. fog central...
July 22, 2010
24 things...
Hey crew! So lately I have been thinking of direction. Direction of everything in life! As you know I haven't been blogging as avidly as I used to. Part of this is because I lost motivation to do anything that constituted as interesting and felt that nobody really wanted to hear about what I had to say. So i basically stopped. But that is no direction. Now I realise again that I am super awesome and you peasants should feel lucky to read anything that I produce. You're lucky i don't charge you to read this, really. So I decided that the only way is up (BABY)... or forward. So as I have many things i have to work through financially this next year, instead of letting that get me down and being the focus of my life, I am going to create a list of things to keep myself pre-occupied. I'm sick of never meeting my little 'goals' i set for myself, and I'm sick of saying "one day i'll..." or "i've always wanted to...". Those thoughts can S my D as far as I'm concerned. So everyone, behold my amazing list:
24 things to do before I turn 24…
1) Create a piece of Art for the house
2) Have a feast in an African Restaurant
3) Smoke from a Shisha (Hookah)
4) Go to Darwin
5) Make a Croquenbush
6) Have a “Cry Fest” Movie Marathon of the saddest movies ever made
7) Help build a pergola for the backyard
8) Give the Front and back gardens a cheap make-over
9) Visit 5 new Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurants
10) Try 5 new fruits eg. Custard Apple, Dragon Fruit etc.
11) Do some volunteer work
12) Build a generously endowed snowman
13) Visit an “abandonment” and take photos
14) Adopt a foreign accent for a whole day
15) Go Proper Camping… no electricity
16) Road Trip to a new location
17) Weekend Sleep Deprivation test – Do not sleep Friday or Saturday night
18) Cook 1 new dish every week
19) Write 1 poem every month
20) Go Skinny Dipping/Frolic Naked/Nude Beach
21) Build a chicken coop and get some chickens
22) Climb a mountain without hyperventilating
23) Sleep under the stars
24) Have a picnic in a strange location
July 20, 2010
dinner with hollywood

July 19, 2010
mouse corpse last supper: chili and pink lemonade
Anyway after that we went back to Blackwood which is just before Trentham and got a snack and some antiques. Well not really. My mum got some chairs and i got a picnic basket for $25. Prob shouldn't have got it but i have been wanting a new picnic basket for so long now so i thought i'd treat myself. Hooray! At the Blackwood General Store, you can find groceries and a deli, a cafe with alfresco dining, and an antique shop all in one. It's actually kind of cool. Would have been better in warm weather but there was a log fire in the enclosed outdoor dining area so it was OK. Their dog Tyson sat and watched us the whole time...
Oh well! Anyway, Blackwood is an interesting little old mining town. It reminds me of a gingerbread village mixed with incestuous hillbillies. Kind of like the little town of Hotshot from the True Blood books :O but prettier. You drive into the main street which has a few stores - General Store, Pub, Wine Bar/Restaurant, and maybe a few others.. and on your right there are residential streets that snake their way uphill or downhill - it is a hilly place! So some houses sit atop a crest looking down at you through the undercast, whereas others can just be spotted by their rooves peeping out beside the road. There are even log houses. LOG HOUSES! I want to go back there and walk around and peep around and take pictures! Maybe this time I wont get assaulted by a dirtbike gang zooming all around me in the middle of the road!!
Ok enough of that, look as this pretty present Josh got me:
So then on Sunday I got a surprise visit from my darling friend Sarah who moved to Darwin after her wedding in Feb! What a shock! Luckily I couldn't sleep properly on Sunday morning and cleaned the house up a bit, so she saw it for the first time relatively tidy! I even cleaned the shower - my most hated chore. And i use the word chore on purpose here. Yuck showers yuck. It was great to see Sarah anyway! The poor thing has forgotten what winter is after moving to Darwin and she was suffering! Sunday was about 12C and raining or something shocking like that. She is here for the next 2 weeks so hopefully i can organise some cool activities with her during that time :)
Sunday night I decided to finally make Chili con carne. I used a Women's Weekly recipe, but i don't think it went right. It tastes too watery, i want it rich and tangy! I will have to compare it with some other recipes and make an ultimate chili con carne recipe to end all others and try my luck again. It had a 3 hour cooking time... i just don't get it. Anyway forgotten. Here are the ambitious pictures i took BEFORE eating it. This first one is the stewing of the beef steak stage. It reminded me of LOTR when frodo sees the evil souls under the water....
July 13, 2010
Anyway, seeing as i haven't cooked anything new or blogworthy in about a month, and haven't been grocery shopping in about as long, I decided this week that must end. Last night I had Japanese noodle soup and spent the rest of the night making GYOZA!!! My freezer is empty now as I have been super lazy of late and eaten all the frozen leftovers that thoughtful prehistoric Jade put in there for the CBF future Jade. I killed them. LOL... "I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM!".... 10 points if you get that joke.
So now I have to start stocking up again with little freezer filling goodies :) I've been wanting to make gyoza again for a while, and this time i made 2 fillings!! I made my usual pork ones and i tried a prawn and leek filling too. Here are some pixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
July 8, 2010
look what i got at the REJECT SHOP!
My favourite thing to do in my bedroom, contrary to Josh's Lafayette-style website, is to read in bed on a weekend morning with a cup of tea and maybe some toast. The sun comes in and warms up the room as i read on and on, with chester snoozing beside me. So good.
So last night as i was removing my other bedside tables and all the junk they held, i came across some of my school year books. My friend Mel was desperate to see what I looked like 7 years ago in Year 11. She saw the picture of me on my Japan camp... in the middle of Japanese summer with my t-shirt sleeves rolled up, wearing a visor, skate shoes and 3/4 denim....shorts...? pants...? anyway I haven't heard her cackle that loud before I don't think. I'll admit it was funny, and yes Maki was correct when he said i looked butch. Looking back on those photos is embarrassing and i wish i could go back and correct all those mistakes, but we all make mistakes in fashion right? yes. The funniest part was that Mel saw me in my school uniform - collar shirt and tartan skirt - and was like "oh, you look alright here... more feminine." MORE feminine! NOOO!
Anyway here is my stool. I was meant to post a finished picture ages ago but i lost track. The other one broke when Josh sat on it - him and all his whopping 55kg! I also have a mirror or 2, they are still to come as i havent properly removed the tape from the glass haha!
July 7, 2010
~-*-~the sound of wonder~-*-~
Anyway so I can probably count the amount of times I've talked to him on my fingers, but it's cool cos he's awesome and it's not awkward at all when we do. Except for this one time about mmm 5 years ago haha! i was seeing the "Ramones: End of the Century" documentary in the city with some friends - and I was fresh out of high school in my tight black jeans, chuck taylors, purple/black hair and probably a Ramones t-shirt for the occasion. After the movie we were leaving the building when i saw him (on a date?) entering the building to see the next session. I was like "ANDREW!!?" and he spun around with a smile on his face, expecting to see a dear aquaintence, which faded ever so slowly as he failed to recognise who I was. He looked pretty confused, so I explained "It's Jade!.....(nothing).... your cousin!" then he clicked and was all apologies! He explained later that it had been years since he'd last seen me and I look way older and super different to what he expected. I think he feels pretty bad about it though, especially since at my Birthday dinner last week Josh told him that I still go on and on about that Ramones day, and Andrew kinda belived him a little i think. I was trying to disprove Josh's cheeky antics... hopefully he doesn't think I'm hung up on it. To be honest I had forgotten all about it until he brought it up at dinner. On my card he wrote something along the lines of "If you have received this card and gift it means I recognise you. You are my cousin. Jade." which i totally didn't get and he had to remind me! haha!
So anywayyyy he has been travelling the world and works as a photographer and has some cool pictures and lots of stories! Some of which are about India as he spent 3 months there one time! I am dyiiinnngggg to go to India - possibly late next year - so he said I should read this book called "Holy Cow". He said "I'll post it to you!" and he did. I am discovering that he is an action man:

go shawtie, it's your birfday!
So after spending $757 registering my car at Vic Roads (Happy Birthday to me...) Josh and I had some Pizza on Lygon Street seeing as we were there. We went to this place called Tiamo across from the Nova Cinemas which I'd been to before and really like! Not only is the food great but they serve Mandarine Juice and the waiters are cute boys with broken English. Josh if you are reading this, that was the reason I was smiling to myself when you asked hehe! After that I went home and ended up napping for a few hours. On the night of my birthday I had a big dinner party of 14 people at my favourite local Indian restaurant! Even my estranged cousin Andrew (will explain later) came along which was awesome! And I got super spoiled by everyone! So after my party and dinner and everything, I decided to take pictures of a few of my gifts like Krisatomic would.