¿Cómo estás bitches?!?! Today marks the 1 week anniversary of my bee-day. I have been pretty pretty pretty busy lately, so I haven't had a chance to organise myself and my presents until last night!! I felt like such a spoiled brat on my birthday, I got so many amazing gifts! I guess I'm just a super cute and lovable person! I basked in the bright spotlight all day! Josh made me some breakfast in bed at his place, and put on True Blood to keep me occupied while he went to make it! After that I had to go register my car at the Carlton Vic Roads, which was definately NOT the highlight of my day. The staff there are totally not friendly and made me feel like i was about 2cm tall and that i know nothing about cars. Well that part is true, but those sperm whales didn't have to get up in my grill about it. Lucky i had birthday magic going for me and they didn't get me too low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low (Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans] Boots with the fur [With the fur] The whole club was lookin at her.....) ahem. Now that I have fluffy dice in my car I am no longer immune to Flo Rida.
So after spending $757 registering my car at Vic Roads (Happy Birthday to me...) Josh and I had some Pizza on Lygon Street seeing as we were there. We went to this place called Tiamo across from the Nova Cinemas which I'd been to before and really like! Not only is the food great but they serve Mandarine Juice and the waiters are cute boys with broken English. Josh if you are reading this, that was the reason I was smiling to myself when you asked hehe! After that I went home and ended up napping for a few hours. On the night of my birthday I had a big dinner party of 14 people at my favourite local Indian restaurant! Even my estranged cousin Andrew (will explain later) came along which was awesome! And I got super spoiled by everyone! So after my party and dinner and everything, I decided to take pictures of a few of my gifts like
Krisatomic would.

I didn't get this for my birthday, but I bought it from the antique shop in Nagambie when we went there for my pre-birthday getaway! How pretty is it!? I want to put perfume in it, I will have to make sure I don't stuff it up though :P

Ah yes, True Blood! My friend let me borrow the first 3 books to read. I had just gotten through 1.5 books before my birthday and obviously hadn't stopped talking about it because I got season 1 and 2 (from different people) as well as these from my estranged cousin:

Haha I didn't even know there were Merlotte's shirts available! I was curious as to how he knew that I would LOVE this present... turns out my dad told him :) And of course I got some Twilight stuff:
Hayden got me the t-shirt which I wore to the MIDNIGHT SCREENING at IMAX on the night of my birthday! I was super excited, what a good day/night!
Somehow Jackson Rathbone tracked me down - no doubt through his obsession with my blog - and gave me this card! What a thoughtful guy! *sigh*

Oh yeah and I got some new nail polishes which i've tested 2 of so far, and a cool harajuku lovers perfume, and this
L'Occitane Jasmine perfume i have been drooling over for months. I am a VIP cardholder at the store but only because i have spent so many hundreds there on presents for other people! I haven't got one thing for myself until this perfume - which funnily enough was a gift too! It is so beautiful, go check out the store!

I got some lovely bottles of plonk which i have safely put away in my wardrobe for a special occasion.

Oh yes, and I got these lovely teacups! There were many other beautiful things not pictured and I love them all and I will get around to having them in pictures soon I promise :) So if anyone thinks i didn't like their present they are sorely mistaken. Very sorely!
So there you have it, my 23rd Birthday in a very small nutshell. It's scary how fast time flies, i still feel about 17-18 in the head. I have been asking people lately how old they feel in the head, it is interesting what some of the responses have been. Try asking yourself or your parents :D
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