Hi thererererereererrrr! In case you are wondering, no I have not abandoned my list of wonder. In fact i am well on my way, from misery to happiness to-day. uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.. yeah i know... but what can i do when my brain is leaking from my ears? meh.
What i mean to say is that I have been actively making plans to complete my list. To satisy item 18 (Cook 1 new dish every week) I have been creating a list of recipes i've always wanted to cook, or ones that I tried to cook which were a disaster. I have to add a little * to that one to explain that it is 1 every week or a total of 52. There arent 52 weeks until my bday but i'm going to make it so i have to do 52 dishes anyway. It's much more "Julie and Julia" haha. So this is week 1, and i am going to make a new dish tonight - Sun-Dried tomato pesto pasta from scratch. Maybe not the actual pasta from scratch - don't think i have le time. But it should be delicious. I hope it's delicious because I got my ingredients from the Queen Vic Market and those $8.40 sundried tomatoes and $8.30 parmigiano reggiano are making this one gourmet dish! I will report on my efforts a little later.
Also, I almost have enough money saved for the materials to build my pergola (7), so I think that should be happening in the next month or so :D Oh and my aunty just shifted into a new place and she doesnt want any of the plants in the backyard - like NONE of them - so I am picking them up tomorrow which helps heaps with #8. I will have to take before shots in the morning to prove that anything has changed haha
In regards to #11, I attended a meeting for Big Brothers, Big Sisters about 1-2 weeks ago and have now filled out an application form to become a "Big Sister" (Like on the Simpsons)! How exciting! If that doesn't work out - ie. if i fail my police check haha - I have some backup options of volunteer areas/organisations i have always been curious about.
Hmm, now in regards to item 19 (Write 1 poem every month) I only have today and tomorrow left to write my July Poem. I have had serious writers block, BUT that's why I put it on the list in the first place hey. I want the thrill of writing whimsical poems back! I re-read some of my others but no inspiration is coming. I may have to get out the shisha and use that as inspiration haha. Yah right, if i wanted to take 4 hours to write 4 lines which turned out to be nonsensical mush upon reflection the following day. Well, i must be off now - TOODLES

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