Again, the title is just because I don't have any posts beginning with X. Well, you wouldn't think it... but I still have lots to say!
Just pretend we are like cliche american teens in our baby pink skimpy PJ's, having a 3 hour conversation on our land-line phones. my phone looks like this:

and your phone looks like this:

We are laying on our stomachs on our lacy, pillow ladden beds with our legs waving around behind us, and in the back-ground you can see out of focus posters covering the walls. Is that Ryan Phillipe??
Anyway. Let's talk about the weird banging that is occuring on the wall next to me at work. On the other side of this wall is the building next door. I have a feeling it is a ground floor apartment but not sure. Here's what I DO know:
- It has a keypad glass sliding door as an entry point
- It looks more like a shop
- One time I walked past and the sliding door was open and it looked either like a tiny kitchen/lounge or a tiny bar like in Japan. This asian man was serving up bowls or rice from a rice cooker. Possible asian gang hideout?
- I found this poster stuck to the door, and I am now theorising that the asian man there is into S&M.

So myself and Kate (the girl who also saw the poster) think the banging is just the party still raging. I imagine there is one person left conscious, tied up against the wall and they are banging to alert our attention. We thought this was funny, and then shit became real when we heard this screaming from out in the alley/street. My boss climbed the stairs to look out of the window and said: "there's an old asian man screaming and running down the street!". Kate and I think that the gimp has finally escaped and is running for help. While we know that all of this is very unlikely, it is still funny to imagine.
You know what is also funny to imagine? Things that are happening in pictures that probably aren't.
Exhibit A) This is from hayden's facebook. Gettin' checked out from all angles huh? Look at that girl's finger in her mouth! Go Team Hayden!

Exhibit B) Hayden tells everyone that he is part of the Vegan Strength Movement (I'm going to label it a movement) but he actually isn't welcome because he is too small:

Hot damn, those are some large vegans! You know what else is large?? Uhh..hmm that analogy i tried to set up... and it doesn't work. But you know what's coooool? Josh's friend Jim told me about a podcast I might enjoy called "The Moth". Josh happened to have some, so he put 7 episodes on my iPod last night. I listened to 2 today on the train, and they were really amazing. It is similar to This American Life where people tell their story in relation to a theme. However, The Moth is recorded at like clubs or something, and the people get up on stage with no notes and freestyle their story as apposed to This American Life which is more like an interview or a studio recorded piece. I listened to Deborah Scaling Kiley tell her story "Lost at sea" in which she goes on a sailing trip with a bunch of others and it turns really bad. Really really bad. Think sharks and sea-madness and death. She told the story so well but that may be due to the fact that she now does public speaking about her books and experiences all the time. I also listened to Kira Salek tell her story "Bone Yard Stretch" about how she went solo backpacking around Africa when she was 20 and got herself into heaps of trouble and got taken into custody by African Government soldiers who planned to gang-rape her. I can only imagine my face while i was listening to this on the train.
Ok. One other thing has happened today. I have decided I like The Smiths. Haha. For a long time I found them utterly depressing, but I decided to listen to some on my iPod (not sure who put them there) and found the music and lyrics actually beautiful. Funny huh? Maybe because Maki is a huge fan and subliminally i hear him play it all the time and have become brainwashed into liking it? I don't think so.... but I like them. Maybe next time i'm on the toilet I'll pick up the Morrissey encyclopedia that is on the bookstand? hehe
Also i will be watching NEW MOON for the first time very sooon, i will have to go into this tomorrow!!
omg omg omg omg new moon tomorrow
from edward lover number 1
Also, i wish i had that pink telephone. its going on my christmas wish list, maybe santa will bring it for me.
ReplyDelete(edward lover again 1)
That leggo phone looks awesome. I really want it! Xx SMP