Dear Readers,
It seems I am falling behind!! Here is some stuff I did and saw last weekend!! (After I got back from Paradise of course)..
I went out to breakfast with Josh's step-brother Dean on Saturday morning. Dean lives with 2 girls in Flemington, and Josh recently moved in too.
We went out to a place called "Green" on Sydney Rd, Brunswick. He calls it "illy" though, and man it was good! Think tiny cafe with quirky interior, female staff with half-shaved heads, glass display case packed with pastries, sweets and salads of all kinds. Chalkboards filled with colourful menus and breakfast served until 9:00PM... that's right: PM! You get given an old fashioned newspaper letter to identify your table. We got a big funky "S"...

we sat outside in the little narrow alleyway where Dean could smoke freely over his coffee.

here is what I got for brekky:

EGGS BENEDICT!...$10... It was DELICIOUS and really filling! Now some photos of Josh's new place:

These are the birds on the kitchen roof downstairs. It's quite a low ceiling...
And here is Dean's room off the kitchen (aka the wine cellar)

I love the red door, and the little archway and the coat rack. Inside is even cooler but I don't know how coooool he would be with me taking photos of his quiet place. Oh and here is the kitchen wall... Nobody knows what this means. It is some kind of drunken/high... 'game' where previous tenants wrote things and scored it...?

And here's another wall in the kitchen:

if you're wondering what that little thing is on the ground, it's this:

DAISY! I call her Miss Daisy because she is a little lady.
And there's Josh slaving over the sink...

Also last weekend I watched my friend Didge's softball Grand Final up the road from my house. Even though I could have walked there in less than 5 minutes, I still drove mehehe... Anyway I have never watched a game in my life, and I was told that it happened to be the most epic game many of the spectators had ever seen. Here is Didge:

He is looking very pleased - this was taken BEFORE they lost. It was such a cold and windy day, although it was sunny when I left my house!! we all froze to death and i had to pee really bad toward the end of the game, but didnt want to miss the end. I took the risk and ran to the toilet on the other side of the field and got back just in time to watch them lose :( poor didge...
top notch blog post jade!