Howdy Y'all! Well on the weekend I had told myself I would do something productive with my time... seeing as I am moving house next week and haven't packed or done ANYTHING!!! One of the things I really wanted to do was to give my furniture some new life, as some of it came from the side of the road. Not. Even. Joking. My kitchen stools came from the side of the road as did the dining chairs. I want to get some fancy IKEA dining chairs to replace them, but the stools I like. I just don't like them MUCH. As I have a bit of an obession with white furniture (not racist) I decided that with a little elbow grease I could make them look real perdy in my new house.
Mum was working on her house and I offered to go around and help, but she said that I should bring my furniture and start working on it. So I did. I brought 4 stools, 2 mirrors, and a wall cabinet I got from the op-shop for $3.99. Here's my stuff..

So she hooked me up with some ear muffs and a pivotal sander and I sanded back the 4 stools and the wall cabinet. I will have to do the mirrors another time as the sun went down :(

I'm thinking this can go in the laundry or something. I just bought it and didn't really plan it out. I want to use some of my chalkboard paint on the front panel and have the rest white.
So once I had finished sanding, I got 1 coat of white on the stools and cabinet, and they already look tonnes better... in my opinion.

I just need to sand them back and apply 1 more coat. Then once that's dry sand it back again and put some kind of varnish or sealer on it so that it can be sat on. Stay tuned for PART 2 of this furniture face-lift! My new house is going to look like a white supremecist hang-out or sumsing :s
went by your mums house today. i like the front of it