April 27, 2010
fucking fuck fuck
THEN as luck would have it, life dealt me a swift kick in the guts on Friday when I discovered my car had been stolen from the train Station after work. I got off the train at about 5pm (as i finished early) and was concentrating very hard on not getting my nice red open toe shoes wet in the puddles and the rain. I was too busy looking down to notice that my car was no longer there. When I did realise, I must say I got slightly frantic and emotional and i paced up and down the rows of cars looking around like a crazy lady. I suddenly remembered that i actually KNEW the exact spot I parked in, because the car in front of mine had parked funny which I noted to myself in the morning. So when I was standing in the spot where my car had been, dripping wet with squelching shoes longing for the umbrella that was in my car, that's when shit became real. I had to call my mum to come and get me, and then we noticed there were police already at the station for another reason, so we waited and chatted to them and made the report. The condescending cop was like "now love, are you sure you didn't just park it in a different spot to usual and forget..?" pffft. as if. So then Josh came too for support and took me home for a hot shower and a cup of tea and some pep-talk. I basically just have to wait now.
It's so shit. Couldn't have happened at a worse time as I am shifting house tomorrow - if i can get a car to use. And I had saved up really hard every week after paying the mortgage, bills, rent, food, train ticket, petrol etc to get like $1,500 which i was planning to use on improvements for the new house. Now I cannot spend any of it in case I have to get a new car or pay my excess for repairs if my car is all smashed up. It is so frustrating that I work hard and do everything properly and keep getting dealt all these massive random blows. I'm getting tired! And there are people out there running around doing all this illegal shit under the radar and they just take everything they want without having to work hard for it. Makes me sick. Maybe they are the smart ones really...? Maybe a life of crime is something I should consider, turn the tables a little... live in a GTA world. Fuck this man.
So yes I'm trying so hard to be positive about my situation. I know it could be sooooo much worse. I know there are people out there in the world who will never own a car. There are people out there who won't even make it to my age. At least i didnt have a loan on my car which i'd have to still pay off. BUT my car is old and i wont get much insurance for it. My mum is really encouraging and keeps saying "things will turn around, something good will happen..." whereas my dad is like "yeep.... life is shit. just one kick after another until you're dead." not even joking, thats what he was saying last night. So yes. I think I will take the rest of the week off work and focus on the house and packing and moving and trying to think how lucky i am to have so many THINGS and my health etc etc.
jade out.
April 20, 2010
dad not found, dad not found...
April 19, 2010
daftly DIY: furniture facelift (part 1)
Mum was working on her house and I offered to go around and help, but she said that I should bring my furniture and start working on it. So I did. I brought 4 stools, 2 mirrors, and a wall cabinet I got from the op-shop for $3.99. Here's my stuff..
April 16, 2010
tokyo drift

April 15, 2010
new moon party and drifting
*The lasagna was made by Maslin's mum - so technically a maslin did make it...
While we were waiting for dinner Michelle played the role of beatnik using my new 'beatnick cigarette holder'.
Very Audrey Hepburn, even though I really doubt hepburn was actually a beatnik. She just happened to have one in Breakfast at Tiffany's which was filmed around the time of the beatnik hype. And I don't associate those cigarette holders with beatnik culture anyway, i thought they were more like 1920's kinda scene. I don't really know.
Anyway, I also managed to get a DOUBLE edward photo. Pretty good.
It was a night full of food and snacks, sighs, laughter, comparisons of whose face is stranger out of R-patz and taylor lautner, and hatred of k-stew- what more could I ask for? On my way out, I had to turn my car around so I started to execute a perfect 3 point turn utilising one of Maslin's neighbour's driveways. I kicked 'er into reverse, and was slowly releasing the clutch and slightly accelerating (as you do) when I almost stalled because of THIS! RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES!!!
Anywho.. tonight I am going to be having a rather unusual evening. It is perfectly normal, although it is not a sequence of activities I could have forseen myself partaking in. I like it. First, my little brother is coming to the city to meet me after work. This has never happened before. Then he and I are going to have dinner at Shanghai Dumpling House. Again, I don't know if we've ever gone out to dinner together before. THEN, my friends, THEN... we are going to the following event:

Anyway I'm sort of looking forward to this movie, as it's filmed in Japan and i think one of the Japanese crew will be there. I remember Luke telling me about his trip to Japan with his drifting crew, and he said that they bought cheap cars, drove them around until they were trashed, and then shipped the salvaged parts back home, oh and filmed this movie there of course. They stayed in the homes of Japanese drifter friends, and from the sounds of it had an amazing time! I might wake up tomorrow with a new found appreciation of fast cars. Although I'm sure a little part of me will still die when I'm in DK's car and it goes "tsu-tsu-tsu-tsuuuu" as he changes gears. Daniel said he will bring his camera tonight, but he doesn't mean his good one, i think he means this one:
April 14, 2010
BURN: beatnick cigarette holder
Having said that, I would still like to make fun of it:
twilight and moths

Cool artwork IMO. Check out the website for more info, it looks like quite a few celebrities have told stories for The Moth too! I got this from the website...
What is The Moth?
The Moth, a not-for-profit storytelling organization, was founded in New York in 1997 by poet and novelist George Dawes Green, who wanted to recreate in New York the feeling of sultry summer evenings on his native St. Simon's Island, Georgia, where he and a small circle of friends would gather to spin spellbinding tales on his friend Wanda's porch. After moving to New York, George missed the sense of connection he had felt sharing stories with his friends back home, and he decided to invite a few friends over to his New York apartment to tell and hear stories. Thus the first "Moth" evening took place in his living room. Word of these captivating story nights quickly spread, and The Moth moved to bigger venues in New York. Today, The Moth conducts eight ongoing programs and has brought more than 3,000 live stories to over 100,000 audience members.
Why "The Moth"?
The screen around Wanda's porch had a hole where moths would flutter in and get trapped in the light. Similarly, George and his friends found that the characters in their best stories would often find themselves drawn to some bright light—of adventure, ambition, knowledge—but then find themselves burned or trapped, leaving them with some essential conflict to face before the story could reach its conclusion. So George and his original group of storytellers called themselves "The Moths". George took the name with him to New York, where he hoped that New Yorkers, too, would find themselves drawn to storytelling as moths to a flame. They did. With no advertising, through sheer word of mouth, every show to date has sold out in 48 hours or less.
AWESOME! And you know what else is awesome? I am going to take pictures of this lovely night tonight and show you all in due time :D weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
April 13, 2010
x-ray cool
Just pretend we are like cliche american teens in our baby pink skimpy PJ's, having a 3 hour conversation on our land-line phones. my phone looks like this:

and your phone looks like this:

Anyway. Let's talk about the weird banging that is occuring on the wall next to me at work. On the other side of this wall is the building next door. I have a feeling it is a ground floor apartment but not sure. Here's what I DO know:
- It has a keypad glass sliding door as an entry point
- It looks more like a shop
You know what is also funny to imagine? Things that are happening in pictures that probably aren't.
Exhibit A) This is from hayden's facebook. Gettin' checked out from all angles huh? Look at that girl's finger in her mouth! Go Team Hayden!

Ok. One other thing has happened today. I have decided I like The Smiths. Haha. For a long time I found them utterly depressing, but I decided to listen to some on my iPod (not sure who put them there) and found the music and lyrics actually beautiful. Funny huh? Maybe because Maki is a huge fan and subliminally i hear him play it all the time and have become brainwashed into liking it? I don't think so.... but I like them. Maybe next time i'm on the toilet I'll pick up the Morrissey encyclopedia that is on the bookstand? hehe
ode to follower #8: Megan

Megan Rainbow Baggins was born in a remote village in the Australian outback. Her parents were on a whirlwind tour of the country before child #2 came along - effectively hampering their travel plans for a while - when Megan's mother went into early labour. After they were all well enough to travel, they returned back to Victoria and settled in to raise their new daughter properly. Megan's father worked as a male nurse, which came in handy during the outback birth of his baby girl, and he often worked long hours away from home. When he came home from night shift he would serenade his baby with songs he invented about the Periodic Table and cell division and a step by step sing-song about how to properly administer an epidural. Perhaps some of this rubbed off as little Meg's first word was indeed 'radioactivity'.
As years went by, and by the time she entered High School, it was clear to those around her that Megan was in fact a genius. A genius disguised as a fun-loving beach babe. Megan excelled in her studies, and was often labelled a "nerd" by her peers who were obviously jealous of her abilities in the classroom. This didn't bother her too much, for she had very thick skin. It's a medical thing...
Anyway, Megan was one of those mystery girls at school. Very pretty and popular, but then also cast asunder for being so smart, and having 'nerdy' interests. An avid Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fanatic, Megan could be seen at all the conventions and meetings swishing her cape around with a maniacal grin across her face as she stroked 'her precious'... and by that I mean the replica "one ring" she had purchased. Megan excelled particularly in Chemistry at school, and chose to continue studying this at University. 6 Years on, Megan can be found still stroking her precious, still watching LOST, still studying Chemistry, but with the additional awesome fact that she is almost DR. MEGAN RAINBOW BAGGINS. When she isn't taking part in the above activities, she can be found lecturing University students only a few years younger than herself, and inventing new stuff in relation to Diabetes. If only my memory was amazing enough to explain how clever this girl is, and shed the appropriate amount of light on her achievements. HEY EVERYONE, COME SEE HOW GOOD MEGAN IS!
PS. She was wearing a top in the photo... but I cropped it to be a smarty pants! Also she is a genius and invents stuff and makes me feel inadequate as a human functioning in society. *cry*
bane of my existence: wheelie suitcases
Well lately I have been noticing some (obviously) very important people trotting around town with those in tow. They have so much stuff to carry to work that they need a wheelie suitcase to fit it all in. The problem I have with this is that they walk slower than usual and drag them like a meter or so behind them. I saw one today and it reminded me of an unfortunate rush-hour annoyance last week. Usually I walk pretty fast and will just go around wheelie bag people if they are walking in front of me, but there's not much you can do when you are walking in a pack through the tunnels of Flinders Street Station and you see them pop up to your right, with their freshly acquired mX paper tucked under their arm and they decide to cut off the whole pack and slowly wheel across in front of you all, and go up the ramp to your left.
By this stage in my life I am pretty spatially aware and I know how much space to give people when walking next to or behind them. I also know that I can keep up my pace and just kind of slither around the back of someone if they are walking across my path. However that's pretty hard to do when someone's personal space increases to like 2 meters square due to the addition of one sporty suitcase. I didn't realise this man had a suitcase so I slowed down to let him pass, and I was about to continue walking just as his body passed mine, when I noticed that if I took one more step I would trip over his suitcase and land on my precious face (possibly with my mouth open from screaming, and my tongue scraping the floor). Obviously I had to abruptly stop walking - a faux pas in peak hour at Flinders - causing someone to bump into me from behind.
It seems like a non-issue, I know, but this shit is what sends some daily peak hour travelers over the edge, man! They have a train to catch. They have a particular seat they need to sit in before that other person who always obliviously steals their seat beats them to it once again, effectively RUINING their whole day. So by stopping, I potentially helped ruined someone's day. I don't want that on my conscience! No way! What if that person finally decided to put those murderous rampage thoughts into practice when they got home? What if they took their annoyance out on their kids by throwing all of their toys into the open fire. Just because you have told you kids a hundred times to pack up their toys before bed or else you would throw them in the fire, it doesn't mean you can actually do it, DAD! I really loved my Barbie horse van :(

April 12, 2010
OK, this post is indeed an extravaganza, however I like to think of it as more of a... Rat King:

The first diseased rat in this rat king post is this:

SECOND!!! I saw my childhood idol Pauly Shore do dome stand up on Saturday night:
FOURTH! Josh said that in 1 month I can shave part of his head! YAY! Today he started his 1 month teaching placement at a local Primary School, so he said it will have to wait until after that. I am quite excited because I happen to dig partially-shaved head/mohawk type do's. Exhibits A through C: