~Hey Thurr~
Well I feel like I am powering through these 52 new recipes but at the same time feel as though I am running out of time!! I am confident that I will make it... but I haven't been doing many of my other list items really! I'm a total noob at this accomplishing a million goals at once thing! Speaking of noobs, you always know a Melbourne noob when they push the button at the lights in the CBD... they are automatic... der! Anyway. After making burgers, pizza dough and felafels on the weekend I was a bit unsure what to do next. I invited some friends for dinner last night who just got back from Europe and I figured I could use all those felafels I made (and froze) and we could have a nice fresh/healthy dinner. Here is the menu, courtesy of Maki and Hayden:

Fourth course never eventuated, and there was no stabbing involved with the tabouleh BUT it was a nice dinner nonetheless! Here is the picture I took of the felafels last weekend - before i oven baked them:

YUM. I oven baked them and squashed them a little. I deep fried a few to see what they would be like but they were really oily and they shrunk in size. Not a fan. I'll leave the deep frying to the professionals at Shwarama *respect*. Oh and here's some nice tabouleh i whipped up:

Here is a rather blurry photo of the finished wrap - I think I had one too many sangrias and couldn't hold the camera straight :)

And the Pièce de résistance... THE SANGRIA:

Also YUM! I found a recipe online and changed it a tad- it's definately not traditional but it
was delicious! It was 1 bottle of red wine, 1 bottle of lemonade, 1 sliced orange, 1/2 sliced lemon, 1.2 sliced lime, 1 sliced punnet of strawberries, 1 sliced apple, and a splash of tequila. Other recipes suggest ginger ale, orange juice and other things, but i kept it fairly simple.

My love heart ice cubes ^_^ Speaking of love hearts, check out this little face:

This is Missy - my mum's puppy. We are minding her while their house is getting finished. Mum is currently living in a tent in the backyard - and hopefully hasn't been washed away in this weather!! Don't think I am a terrible daughter - I have offered her couch space but the stubborn lady refuses and says all is well. So I have had missy for 2 days now, and already I feel the attachment growing. I looked at this photo and a big smile spread across my face. I love animals. From the rare visits I had with Missy I thought she was an untrained little brat, plus i held a grudge against her for ripping my stockings, but she is actually sweet and responds well to commands and always wants cuddles. Always. The only thing I have to keep saying is "NO LICKING!" cos she has so much love to share and wants to lick everyone! I felt bad putting her outside today in this 14C rainy weather but i also didn't want to get home and find a nice big puddle or smelly poo on the carpet. I'm horrible, I know. She absolutley LOVES chester, she just wants to lick his face when she sees him, but he is more of a chilled out guy, nice and slow paced, so he doesn't know what to do. She just circles him licking his face and he backs away or falls over. I should film it, it's cute. I'm a sucker for animals - remember my plans for a rabbit and chooks are still on the cards!! :)
Anyway, I'm sure I will have some good updates next week as Josh and I are going away to Nagambie for the weekend! I'll do some washing and shopping tomorrow morning and then we're off from 1pm and get back Monday night!! WEE-hooooo! I will look up some recipes to make while we are there. I'm thinking some bread might go down a treat!!
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