Hi there :) The other night I got a bit restless and decided to give my bedroom another mini-makeover. Since buying a house I have been struggling with how slow life moves financially. I live week to week and have to wait for so long for anything I want. I have an eternal list of wishes and things to do... but I love it really. It feels so much more like an accomplishment when you plan and work and fiiiiiinally achieve. Growing up I was used to watching my parents decide to do something and fully achieve their goal in a single afternoon. Sometimes I would come home from school and my mum would have totally re-lanscaped the garden, or re-arranged the furiture in the whole house, including my bedroom- don't worry I put a stop to this once I reached high-school fo real. Anyway I guess mum's "go-get 'em" attitude rubbed off on me and as a result, in my adult life, I usually can't sit still at nights. Woop.
So here are some shots of the slow progress of my bedroom makeover taken over the last 4-5 months. Unfortunately they are all of the same wall and the bed... the rest of the room is not as visually striking... yet... haha. The lamps and bedside tables in the first photo were my first purchase to help create my new look bedroom haven...
Basically when I moved into this house I was going for "WHITE! EVERYTHING WHITE OR CREAM!!!" I chucked out my burgundy and gold everything and decided for a brighter feel...
Then I painted the walls to give the white furniture more attention...
Behind the scenes, I also got my new tv, and re-arranged the furniture and cleaned out my walk in robe. Then I put my new IKEA $20 bedspread on...

Then I had this idea:

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! I love my room!! There is still more to go, but by blogging about the process it will push me to do more :) woop woop!
oh its so pretty :)