Not mine unfortunately, mine have no flowers and there are only about 2-3 big ones. They are very common here i thinksss! It's actually considered a "weed" as they can get pretty out of control in the bush (i cannot picture these in the bush) and apparently the leaves are toxic and animals stay away for a reason. I saw this vigilante on a plant forum going "DIG UP YOUR AGAPANTHUS AND SAVE OUR CHILDREN!" haha. Aparently all you do to divide it, is dig it up then use a knife or shovel to cut up the root cluster like cake slices and plant all the little slices individually and it keeps growing into a bigger plant. Cool! instant garden border! So i'll be attempting this on Saturday. Is it bad to kill a native tree? I have a bottlebrush in my backyard and it's, like everything in the garden, the only one there and placed in an odd spot. also it is gnarly and gross and ugly and i hate it. My dad is going to come and chop it down, as well as these other dead trees hanging around near it. Can't wait to have a nice green backyard :)
On a super awkward note, i had an uncomfortable run-in with the tenants who lived in my house before i had to kick them out and move in. They moved a few houses down the road and let me tell you... they did not want to move. They are in their 50's and had been renting the house for 7 years or something - as soon as it was built - then along comes me late last year and bought it. Because i got the first home buyers grant from the goverment, i was required to move into the house within 12 months of buying it, and live there for at least 6 months. So I let the tenants stay for the first 6 months after buying it, and collected rent from them, then i had to give them notice to vacate and shift in myself. So they weren't happy and ended up shifting down the street but really want to come back. They are great tenants and would love them to come back, but i can't get my shit together and finish all the improvements on the house. Then once the improvements are done i don't think they could afford the rent :s Plus... where would i go?? AHHHH i don't want to think about it yet. OK so yeah i keep getting their mail, and i usually drop it in their letterbox every few days. This morning i was driving out of the street on my way to the station and pulled over to quickly drop it in, when a car drove toward me and pulled into their driveway. The lady got out (who i have never met - i have met her hubz) and i was awkwardly walking up her driveway to introduce myself. She asked how the house was going and I explained that i'm working on the gardens and starting on the pergola soon and she got excited. Then i said "How's your new place going...?" and her face fell and she was all "Yeah, we don't like it here...". I didn't know what to say. And then she said "Oh, but we're so happy for you, being able to buy a house at your age!!" and i said thankyou. Then i said i had to get going to catch my train. awk-ward. Wow. We all laugh because the man keeps getting mail from the casino and poker magazines and the "VCGR" (Victorian Commission of Gambling Regulation) and when i moved in, there was a poker chip key-ring on the keys they gave me. I'm a mail stalker haha.
Anyway! Tomorrow I will be having a buffet lunch at "Melba Restaurant" at the Langham Hotel. I have heard amazing things about it, so i bought my mum a voucher for lunch last Christmas... and she is using it now for her birthday! I'm excited to see all the amazing foods!! Should be awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ok, that is the regulation amount of excitement per blog post... right...(WEEEE!!!!!!).. now.
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