So. My backyard. This is part of my list of wonder so i spent another sunny weekend day getting busy to make it look nice. This is what it looked like about 2 weeks back...

There is 1 of everything there. And a low fence. Gross. When I say there is one of everything, i don't mean that the yard is abundant with plants... quite the opposite actually. Of each plant that is present, it is the only one. They are scattered about in no discernable order, and they make me sigh. *sigh* So... add a few donated trees, namely:

...lemon tree...

...port wine magnolia...


...and another something... all of which aren't looking too crash hot right now. Then to add to these donated trees, i had to get creative and work with what i've got! I have this MONSTER agapanthus plant near the back door, and a few baby ones scattered around it too. The good thing about this is that you can divide it. Little did i know that it would be nearly impossible to dig out haha...
But luckily my trusty family helpers came over again with power tools and upper body strength - both of which i lack. We (they) got the plant out and then we divided it up into little babies. As you can see it's pretty easy to know where to divide:

I was surprised by the crazy dreadlock matted root system:

Pretty similar to orchid roots imo. So as i was dividing those, my dad cut down the bottlebrush! Hoorayyyy! Ding dong the witch is dead!

and then he dug me some holes! Check out the difference between the soil in these 2 holes. One is soil and one is clay...stupid garden...

I got to dig one hole with the post-hole digger and it was crazy! You have to hold on so hard so it doesn't kick! Then i went and planted all the little agapanthus around to make it look nice and green! We also dug out these african grassy looking things that were basically a clump of dead tall reedy grass. The only good thing is that as it had died all the grass made some nice compost, and the soil around them was beautiful and mulchy. I took little clumps of it and put it at the bases of most of the new plants...
haha, i still have the mystery tree from my old house - the one that just started growing in the vegie patch. It is somehow still alive so i planted it and we'll see what happens! You can barely see it in the above photo, it's the little stick next to the lavender. I also have to trim those other big trees back. i wanted them gone but mum thinks they will look ok if i cut them into shape. We'll see!

ah yes, and here are my camelia bushes donated by my aunty. I chopped all the flower buds off so that all the energy goes into growing this spring rather than flowering. Hopefully that theory works :) Wow my body hurts just thinking about the work we did. We also planted some of the 5 billion agapanthus plants in the front yard, and got rid of a dead tree or 2 from out the front. It didn't even have a root system it was that dead. I'm surprised the wind hadn't blown it over sooner :O So here i am at stage 2 of the garden reno. I haven't spent a cent yet on it. I have been very lucky! Maybe next weekend I will buy some good soil and mulch and fertiliser to look after all the new plants! WEEE! Oh yeah and i found out that i will be getting back $1,900 from my tax return so looks like the pergola is a go-go! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
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