it has been over a week since my last confession, so here and now i confess that i am slightly hyper... it all started with this surprising lyric: "....I'm a skat-man!" it popped into my head at work and then i started belting it out like "bee-ba-ba-bada-bop, ba-ba-bada-bop.." and Dragana got the giggles and then she told me that she made Dhal last night and her boyfriend said it tasted like eating B.O.... and then we were giggling again. Good times. So now i am in the mood to type my little fingers down to the bone!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like i should vomit all over the keyboard and let the shortcircuiting work its magic once again and create the best. post. ever. So let me start with this photo:

awesome, nyes? well i think i mentioned in my last post that Joshs' uni had a ball last thursday night and our table was masquerade theme. So we had to go mask shopping and i liked these masks sooo much that i wanted to wear one - but it would have been very freaky. i'm almost tempted to go get one of the clown ones and stick my head into hayden's room on an unnatural angle one night and breathe heavily until he wakes up and freaks the fuck out. while he's screaming i'll be testing out my creepy laugh which sounds a bit like a chain smoking tranny granny who is trying to catch her breath. ok, where was i. Oh yes the
ball. so in order to attend i had to dress purdy-like. i have this dress which i really wanted to wear but it doesnt fit across my ginormous rack anymore. I have grown 2 cup sizes since buying the dress about 4 years back, so i decided i had to re-work the design so i could wear it. It didnt turn out as amazing as i had hoped but it did the job. here is a terrible photo (i'm so sorry) of the dress...

I thought if i cut the zip off and made a corsette back i could wear it! It was a good theory, and it was a bit more work than i had thought. The first and easiest part was cutting out the zip...

then i got these "eyelet packs" from spotlight which came with lots of eyelets and some little tools to cut the fabric and hammer in the eyelets. You needed to use a hammer on these and it was noisy work...

and painful. This is after the 4th or 5th time i hit my thumb. i cracked the nailpolish and the blood blister is still with me 1.5 weeks later. sort of... its more like a black bruise under my nail- gross.

so these are the eyelets...

then i threaded ribbon through...

it turns out you need much longer ribbon than you think, because you have to loosen the corsette in order to get into the dress, then you have to tie it up and then you have TOO MUCH ribbon. Let's just say that Josh was not a fan of the dress... well the actual tightening and tying part. He had to help me in and out of it. It is actually great foreplay haha, shame it takes so long to get out of the dress. did i just say that? oh my lord, i have no shame! off with my head. so here is another terrible picture of the dress...

Josh did an OK job (thanks heehee) but lost his patience and didn't want to fix it up or take photos. When i said i didnt like the photos he looked so exhausted haha poor guy. that picture reminds me that i should get my freckles checked by the doctor before summer! also i look like a swimmer with those shoulders!!! haha wow. anyway here are josh and jim looking rather.... um...

a few notes about josh's room:
1) Yes that is a Barack Obama flag. Josh's sister went to Africa when they were super high on Barack fever and she bought this flag for Josh. She also told us about this african rap song called "barack obama" which was played everywhere!
2) That skull in the bottom right corner was painted by josh's older brother when he was little. He tried to write his name under it but was still too young to manage and the teacher had t finish it off. It's so cute! I think that is an amazing painting for a kid that age. One criticism though... skulls don't have eyebrows Bradd...get some perspective, gosh!
Anyway we set off from Josh's place and missed our train so we went to this cute little wine bar called "pepper" across from the station. There was some smooth Jazz playing and they lit us a candle and we all had a drink. It was so nice! One day I'll have a place like this :)

After getting the train and tram to Toorak, we headed for this girl's apartment for some pre-drinks. She is a full time student...and rents in toorak by herself in a gorgeous apartment. I'm guessing she doesn't pay the rent cos that is just bonkers. In the street outside I was amazed by this perfect tree.

LOOK HOW PERFECT IT IS!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL, MAN!? It's like a lego tree or something! Anyway after a few drinks and mingling with some interesting characters we got to the ball (it was only across the street - how convenient!) albeit a little late. We missed the roving canopes and cocktails!! When we got to our table, the rest of Josh's friends were trashed and telling us to 'catch up'... i knew this was not going to be a fun day at work on Friday. So with all of these functions there is a never-ending supply of booze and food... so i had a few too many white wines and grabbed a few too many passing vodka rasberrys. Somehow i was the 2nd most sober on the table, next to Jess who doesnt drink haha. So with everyone going off, i took a few shots of their excitement...

i think they were "smoking"

Sarah on the left (she is japanese how awesome) was so crazy that night, i have never seen her like that - it was amazing! there are about 5 other pics like this where she is posing crazily haha

oh yeah the sorbet! There was delicious little sorbet cups going around, and i had 2 mango and 2 berry!! Jess and i were in love with them! Could be the reason why i had alcers all down the sides of my tongue the next day... yeowwww! So yes, i ended up going back to Josh's alone while he kept partying with his uni crew and i dont remember much after getting inside. I somehow got out of my dress and had a hot shower and somehow apparently opened the front door at 2am to let josh and jim back in. I dont remember - how terrible! The next thing i remember was this:

creepy old man cat was watching me sleep. I was allowed to start work at 11am instead of the usual 8.30am which was amazing, but it was still the shittest day of work ever. I was so annoyed an everything! I put on this scarfe thing with all little lacey dangley bits and i got so annoyed i tore it off and put it with my bags. Everyone was like :O
So anyway thats what i did last week, and look at that- it's 11am - i would have been just starting right about now!! eew. I need to make my new dish for the week, and it may be happening TODAY! My german co-worker has given me recipes for a few things and today she wants to make KARTOFFELPUFFER for everyone with my help. SO i could count this as my new dish i suppose. I ate a kartoffelpuffer a few years ago at Schutzenfest - the german beer festival in adelaide! Its like a potato fritter with apple sauce mmmm i'll show you how i go!
ALSO i have now got enough money for a pergola so SOOOOOOOOOOOOON i will be ticking another thing off my list! I left a few list items kind of open ended hey? like "do up the garden"... when will i know it is done?? haha. did not think this through.
stay tuned diggers!!!!!!