sorry to disappoint, but there isn't much wonderment going on, i don't even have a real theme for this post. I guess its basically just a catch up on everything new that's going on since last week. The title is emotive to try and draw in some more readers (year 11 english anyone??) as i only have 3 followers - all of whom I know personally! I do appreciate your support guys, but i would also love to see some new followers added to my ranks of minions. Eventually we will uprise and the whole world will be subarashii because of me, muahahaaaa. tremble before my mightly black platform heels! So anyway if you are blog stalking me, i would totally appreciate if you give a shout out, to inflate my ego and make me feel even more awesome than i already know i am. doo dee doo.
so anyway alter ego, how about you cut the crap and tell the people what they want to hear! alright, alright I'm getting to it!
that's more like it, sluz.
hey i thought i told you not to call me that!
no, i beleive you said "don't call me buzz", because of your bee phobia...?
what!? that's ridiculous, i dont even have a bee phobia! Just stop calling me sluz...
ok buzz, whatever you say...
AH! BEE!!! WHERE>!!?!!! IT'S ON ME!!!
In the last week, some new developments have occured. Firstly, I went swing dancing last wednesday with Josh and it was heaps of fun! The only problem was that i thought people would dress ultra casual so i went in tracky pants and an unflattering Against Me! t-shirt and i smelled of curry. I have never noticed that when i cook a dish the smell sticks to me!! But i was so self concious about it all night because we had to change partners over and over again, and i was sure they thought i had a weird B.O situation going on. Josh told me that everyone was calling me the curry queen behind my back, haha! I may as well have been a big walking pile of curry sludge, oozing out a trail of slippery vegie curry behind me, shooting out bits of carrot or zucchini into the air. anyway, there were some prize winning adonis' of men there. i say that sarcastically of course... i will elaborate another day as I am returning for Lesson 2 tonight :D
Also, I bought a house. yep...widdle Jade is gwowing up! The finance is being organised as we speak, so it's as good as mine really :P
ALSO i went on a road trip to Adelaide and it was aaaaaweesome! and i got red hair! Oh, and as it turned out, my internet friend Daragh was there for work at the time and we finally met! Here are a few happy snaps of the weekend....
This is one of my little souvenirs from Japan, but i'm not sure what it is. When i bought it, the conversation went like this:
Me: sumimasen, kore wa nan desuka? (excuse me, what is this?)
Lady: eeetooo... shirimasen... (errr... i don't know!)
Me: haha, chotto hen desune?! (lolz, its a bit weird hey?)
Lady: soo desune... (yeah man)
Me: daisukidesu! (i love it)
Lady: *giggle* (*giggle*)

Keith...this is one of the great towns of South Australia. We loved the name so much last time, that we had to stop and get happy snaps this time around!

Before you vomit, no that is not a zombie vagina! it is my eye.. tricked yoooou! i was taking photos of my eye in the car and then i laughed and it crinkled at the side and came out looking like a vag!

and these are another japanese souvenir, my skeleton toes socks, YAY!
TADA! that's me, and that's what i look like, and that's my newest bestest red hair!

this is daragh (internet now REAL friend) and my cousin and me. It looks like she is wearing screaming headphones!

this is Jess's mannequin head. Jess lives with my cousin and is a hairdresser, and did that sexy job of my hair! The head's name is Evelyn, and we were going to take it with us and take photos of her around Melbourne. I still want that to happen..

We went to Vego 'n' loven it again before we set off for Melbourne, and had some delicious burgers. i took these 2 pics of some cool parts of the joint. The picture frame is SIIICK!

on the way home i killed a bird. i was going maybe 140km (dont tell the cops) and these gallahs just dive-bombed my windscreen, and i hit one :( we all laughed. alot.
About time you updated! i can't wait to hear more about adelaide. Looking forward to the girly night too! Alicia
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