located at 183 Russell street Melbourne, this Asian supermarket has it all! Hmm, not cheery enough to be in real estate yeah? meh. Anyway as i plan to make okonomiyaki soon, i had to go pick up some more okonomiyaki sauce and some bonito flakes etc. $27.00 later.... errrr....
It was hard to take pics because the place was full of people! i didn't want to take too many photos of foods i found weird etc because the people all around me probably consider it normal, and might be offended.

chicken powder. eep.

well, i normally buy 10kg of dried shiitake mushrooms, this measly 1kg just doesn't meet my demand. sigh. seriously this bag was effing huge.

noodles galoooore. pretty cheap IMO.

Even if you don't know what anything is, i'm sure you will walk out with at least ONE thing. Tofu is so cheap there, it's like 90c a block. At Safeway its $3 - $4.. ripppp offffff! Everyone should shop at an asian grocery! hooorrrayyy!!!
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