When I saw it, it made my heart swell almost to the point of explosion! I want to play with it and hold it in my palm and let it bat my fingers like a little bunny boxing practice. I want it. And soon I shall have it, for you see Josh's sister gave me her rabbit hutch when we helped clean up her yard, so now i have to fill it with BUNNIES!!! I want 1 or 2 bunnies and i want them to be house trained so they can play with us, and then they can go outside (supervised of course) and eat some grass, or go in the hutch. I know that my cat will dig some new friends and hopefully he won't scare them too much. I heard that rabbits can only see in shapes so can get easily threatened, so it is important to talk to them so that they get used to being around you. No problemo, if it's any indication I talk to my cat a lot... some would say a little too much. So i will keep you updated on the bunny rabbit hunt. I have already made a shortlist of cute names: Charlie and Honey. It is a very short list. If Charlie bites me i can go "ooh, ahh, ouch! OUCH CHARLIE! AAAAAAAHHH! CHARLIE! Charlie bit me..." haha. But he wont bite me. I am looking into rescue centres and rabbit adoption places, but will also check out the market. I think it will be a good idea to get baby rabbits so they get used to the cat and people. weeeeeeee
So anyway, I bet you are wondering why I am not smashing my list apart right now, am I correct? Well, you see, I am one of those people who pretty much hibernates in the Winter months. I am anti-social, lazy, demotivated, generally unhappy and completely lackluster. Come sunshine time I am all action! Maybe I am solar powered... it would explain a lot.
This morning the sun was shining, a few weeks into Spring, and I felt my heart swell with happiness and my brain powered up just thinking about all the wonderful things I must do. So let me tell you that I am super excited to cross another item off my list this week!! My dad is coming to my place tomorrow and Friday to build my pergola!! Tomorrow he will just be putting in the posts, but Friday is the action day. It worked out well that I have an RDO from work and can help him :D So I have saved up lots of pennies for this pergola and it is the first major improvement to my house so far. I also bought an aircon for those searing summer days but have to pay for installation. Same goes with new light fittings to replace all the gross flurescants. So hopefully this pergola will be a good return on the investment come time to lease or sell it.
Once the pergola is done, I have to put in some concrete or pavers or stones or something under it. I will probably go for the cheapest option which might be recycled bricks and pavers. I could even design my own pattern.... i don't know. I am probably getting waaay ahead of myself as usual. I have no idea how to pave, but I'm sure it can't be that tricky. I'll just Youtube it! I love DIY stuff on Youtube! It's so helpful, so far i have learnt how to grout between tiles and make puff pastry. Pretty good eh?
So once the pergola is done, my list of things to make/do is this:
- Ground cover for under the pergola (pavers?)
- Aircon installed (contractor)
- Light fittings installed (contractor)
- Make curtains for lounge/dining room to block out sun/heat
- Make new scatter cushions for the lounge
- Try making round tufted pillows
- Make a Picnic Blanket
- Create a photo collage for an empty wall
- Create a piece of art for the house
oh and build a chicken coop... AH! I am dreading this, i don't know where to start!! I guess I'll have to start looking up plans and designs... ugh! Why did i set this list again?
Oh, and as soon as the sun starts shining I will be ready for the nude beach. You wont be able to stop me. All over tan... here i come :) lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
haha charlie!