Friday night i went to a local night spot called POW! with some friends. I am not drinking booze at the moment, possibly until Jan 30th at which time i have a Hens Night, so i was on the cola and raspberry train. I dont usually drink soft drink so i was feeling pretty drunk and hypo as a result! It was a really fun night doing some people watching, and it was nice to be able to leave when i was ready and drive myself home to bed. Note to self: sobriety is your friend.
The next morning i had a massive sugar hangover from the soft drinks which was really bizarre, haven't felt that kind of low since i was a little tacker. I got up at around 7.45am and went to the local gym. I must point out that I am not a member, but my friend works there and i possibly snuck in for a few hours for free :) This could become a regular thing maybe, we'll see. I am undergoing an unofficial change of life right now. I am going from NO excercise to SOME excercise. This is huge, people. I am trying not to alter my diet too much at this point. We eat vego dinners everynight and i usually take leftovers for lunch. I feel that i eat quite healthy and have a pretty good vitamin intake, but i have a desk job so i am not what you might call 'fit', and i reeeeeeally don't want to end up with Kankles or one of those huuuuge office chair bums!!!! EEEEP!
Anyway after i recovered from the gym and cleaned the house a bit, and had a nap, i went to my friend's house for a vego mexican dinner party!!! It was amazing! We played Flash UNO which is an intense electronic version of UNO, and you have a time limit to make your move otherwise you have to pick up more cards haha, so many lols to be had. also we played a few games of jenga. Tensions were running very high by the end of the night hehe...
Mmmmm, grilled cheese and tomato on toast. My ultimate comfort breakfast. Ah yes, My table... my "Fuck" table. I'm pretty sure i have explained it before but my mum found this cool old blue table somewhere and said i could have it for when i moved out. I was trying to sand it back and i don't know... maybe going for the shabby chic look. I was getting quite exasperated by the lack of progress i was making so i sanded a rude word into the top and walked away from it for good. So now that i want to use it as my dining table in my new house I have to fix that up he he :)
The thing about Ballarat is that it is fucking cold. I don't know why. But those of us in jumpers were pleasantly chuffed at our wardrobe selction. Even though i had on long socks, jeans, and a jumper.... i was still fucking cold. The light rain didnt help either. I felt sorry for Stevens who was wearing summer clothes. Easy mistake to make though as... it is summer.
There were so many little kids running around the course, or wandering off causing the parents to have mini freak-outs. Some of them walked on our green casually, others covered the hole with an object thinking it would be funny. wtf. I don't know how many times i heard one of the crew mumble "wheres the supervision...". Plus there was this boy around 8yrs old who had the worlds most annoying voice we are an angry bunch. 
This wall was a small wind-break for Stevens, and i guess Boucher thought he would give a little warm cuddle to heat things up.
Well that's that people. Hope you enjoyed my weekend vicariously through my blog. Tonight i have to do a clean out of the 2 spare bedrooms for the arrival of my new housemates. It will be a cleansing feeling i'm sure :) kind of like a colonic but without all the poop.
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