So Josh sursprised me with his return on Friday when i got home all hung over from the work xmas party. He was waiting in the bedroom after getting an overnight bus, train, and taxi home. I think he had a nap and i got home at around 3pm. He freaked me out cos i walked through the house into the kitchen and he eventually creaked open the bedroom door in the supposedly empty house and jumped out! aaah! good to have him back though! he is now i think obsessed with boats. He is talking about buying one. ah the boating life :)
so anyway he may or may not have accidentally deleted every single photo from my camera haha. he was showing me his pictures and tried to delete the very last picture and accidentally wiped everything. so yeah now we are trying to locate picture recovery software...
anyway i was hanging out bad to take pics of our accidental vegie patch! Basically i made a vegie patch area and planted my passionfruit there which didn't really take off... i guess you could use the word LAZY to describe me and my gardening, haha. i would love to be a great gardener and grow my own organis fruit and veg... but we just don't gel at the moment. Maybe when i am a bit older and more settled....?
anyway we used to chuck our kitchen scraps in the soil to keep lots of nutrients in there, and after a while we experienced this weird summer rain period and since then EVERYTHING in the garden that had been laying dormant sprang to life! We now have quite the vegie patch but we don't know what's actually growing....
below i think is perhaps some sort of bean or stone fruit...
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